The Intelligent Body

The Mommies Reviews

The past couple months I have felt like I’m not good enough. I’m the worse mom on the planet. Why would the lord create a piece of trash like me. Making me question why I’m here.

I pick fights with everyone for no, reason. I don’t want anyone to get to close to me. All I want to do is sleep. I’m sure I am sliding into a deep depression from losing my dad. If the truth is none

I believe Charlie is also fighting depression and its time I stop this for both of us before one of us hurts ourselves. God forbid either of us doing that but we could even led David to hurting himself to get rid of all the negativity in our home.

This is keeping me from being the wife and mom I want to be. As well as a friend and even just myself. I knew God was seeing my self doubt and he had plans for me. I just didn’t know what they was

Yesterday I picked up my copy of The Intelligent Body written by Celeste Shirley. I sat down and begin to read her novel and see how I could turn things around I slowly felt like myself.

Although, I know I need help and this isn’t going to turn things around over night as long as I make a conscious effort to change things one thing at a time I know I will be back to myself before I know it.

Are you looking for a Valentines Day Gift for the ladies on your list? If so I would like to suggest a new novel called The Intelligent Body. I received a copy of the book in exchange for this review.

Gift Guide Suggestion For Mom: The Intelligent Body by Celeste Shirley The novel was published in September 14, 2018, The novel is a #1 Best Seller on, ebook and paperback

Celeste stepped on stage at a provincial bodybuilding competition and went into a state of non-duality or what can best be related to as “pure joy.” She didn’t exit this state for 3 months.

Nothing in her life was particularly miraculous – if anything, her life could have been described as exhausting. She was studying at York University full-time, holding down 3 jobs, training up to 2 hours a day and trying to make sleep a hobby.

Yet, no matter how stressful her day was, stress did not register as a difficult occurrence. All of her life became a continuous experience of moments she felt directly and was enlivened by.

Each experience felt like a privilege, even when it involved deep loss, sadness or failure. Her book, The Intelligent Body is her account of how a state of joy can be lived at all times.

Her unique personal stories not only uplift, they reveal that there is no path to constantly feel alive, and by knowing this, you discover how.

About the author: Books

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates