The Incredible Benefits of Collagen: Guide to Your Skin’s Natural Glow 

The Mommies Reviews

Attaining youthful skin requires a lot more than simply applying cosmetic products. Despite misleading notions advanced by many cosmetic brands, achieving radiant skin is a process rather than an overnight event.  

But with the right products, your dream of truly rejuvenated skin may come true sooner than you’d expected. You only need to find a brand dealing in dermatologically certified supplements and administer their products diligently following expert guidelines.  

This article shall focus on one staple ingredient in most premium-quality skincare products – collagen.  

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Introducing Collagen 

Collagen is a type of protein naturally synthesized by the body. It’s the most abundant protein in your body.  

Like most proteins, collagen plays an essential role in aiding the health and development of nearly all bodily tissues. The protein is especially abundant in the skin and muscles. It also comprises bones, hair, tendons, ligaments, and various visceral organs.  

Types of Collagen 

Researchers have since uncovered at least 28 distinct types of collagen. These varieties differ primarily in their molecular formation, cellular components, and the primary areas of usage in the body.  

Below are the two major collagen types; 

  • Type 1 Collagen – Comprises over 90% of the body’s collagen content and is more widespread in the skin, bone, ligament, and tendon tissues. 
  • Type II Collagen – Type II collagen mainly comprises elastic cartilage, the tissues that support joint movements. 
  • Type III Collagen – Type III collagen is mostly widespread in the muscles and cardiovascular organs like the arteries. 
  • Type IV Collagen – This collagen type makes up various layers of the skin. 
  • Type V Collagen – Type V collagen is fairly abundant in the corneas of the eyes, hair, placental tissues, and certain layers of the skin. 

Do You Need Collagen Supplements? 

Everyone is born with a natural ability to produce collagen. However, that ability diminishes as we age.  

Not only does your body produce less collagen as you advance in years, but the amount of this protein in the body also begins to break down. Supplementation is the only way to meet your requirement for this useful protein.  

Fortunately, there’s an abundance of supplement stores that stock different collagen products. A bit of research and due diligence is all it takes to pick the right supplement.  

Note that collagen supplements aren’t necessarily synthetic forms of the protein. Rather, they’re compounds that stimulate natural collagen production while also improving the body’s ability to utilize this protein. Some collagen supplements also activate the synthesis of other proteins, such as elastin and fibrillin. 

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Collagen Benefits for the Skin 

Collagen is a key component of skin tissues. So, it’s unsurprising that this protein can provide a truckload of health and cosmetic benefits.  

Skin dryness and wrinkling are some of the tell-tale signs of aging. The symptoms are usually due to reduced collagen production.  

Supplementing with collagen can rejuvenate your skin by addressing various markers of premature aging, and there’s plenty of evidence to back that up.  

One review of studies investigating collagen’s perceived skincare benefits found that taking between 1 and 12 grams of collagen supplements daily for 4 – 12 weeks improved skin elasticity and hydration significantly. The protein was also able to stimulate muscle and bone growth, making it an excellent choice for people with degenerative muscle and bone diseases.  

Collagen activates tissue growth by aiding the formation of fibroblasts in the dermis. By boosting skin elasticity and muscle regeneration, the protein consequently enhances your physique.  

Collagen is also involved in blood clotting processes. Supplementing with the protein might help to accelerate wound healing.  

Professional athletes, fitness buffs, and combat service personnel might especially benefit from collagen’s blood-clotting properties. Taking the protein reduces the downtimes associated with the pain and discomfort caused by festering wounds.  

Multiple anecdotal reports also suggest that collagen may treat acne and related skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. While there’s little scientific evidence of this effect, the claims may be due to collagen’s tissue regeneration abilities. 

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Other Collagen Benefits 

1. Collagen for Hair and Nails 

Nail and hair tissues mostly comprise keratin. However, there’s mounting evidence that collagen supplements may strengthen nails and hair, preventing them from breaking. 

2. Collagen for Joint Health 

Joint degeneration is another old age phenomenon usually caused by reduced collagen production. Without prompt intervention, the problem might lead to conditions like osteoarthritis.  

A review of existing studies found that collagen supplementation could relieve joint stiffness among arthritic patients. The protein improves arthritis symptoms by stimulating cartilage production. 

3. Collagen for Bone Health 

Bone wastage and joint degeneration often go hand in hand. So, it’s understandable why experts recommend collagen for bone loss, too.  

Supplementing with collagen in old age can minimize the risks of diseases associated with bone tissue wastage, such as osteoporosis. The protein works by increasing bone mineral density.  

4. Collagen for Weight Loss 

Collagen is essentially a protein. Protein works alongside fiber to promote the sensation of fullness for longer.  

Taking collagen-rich products may combat weight gain caused by unhealthy dieting. However, note that this mostly applies to natural collagen sources like pork and beef. 

5. Collagen for Cardiovascular Health 

Collagen provides structure to arteries, improving their elasticity and flexibility.  

Enhancing arterial flexibility is a proactive way to guard against arteriosclerosis, a major risk factor for stroke and heart attack. 

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Final Word  

Collagen is the most abundant and useful protein in the body. While you can obtain nutrients from natural sources like pork skin and bone broth, supplementation is the most effective way to stimulate collagen production for elderly people.   

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates