The Importance of Teaching About Disabilities and Inclusivity in Children’s Books

The Mommies Reviews

Guest post courtesy of Kale Sudhoff

I had never really thought about becoming an author when I was growing up. When I was younger, I had a stutter that was especially evident when I was reading, and as a result I was made fun of a lot growing up. With this in mind, I avoided reading as much as possible, and didn’t like books. One thing that I have absolutely loved for my entire life is drawing, and over the years I became pretty good at it. This was one area of my life where I found confidence, and I was excited about. I have always had the heart of an illustrator.

It wasn’t until I was about fifteen years old that my life would completely change course, and I would find my true passion. I wrote my first story and was astonished at how natural it felt, as if this is what I was made to do. A few short months later I was a published author, and I couldn’t believe how my life had taken such a turn.

Since then, I have had two more books published, I’ve been featured in different magazines, on podcasts, and even on TV. I am in awe at how God took me, a kid from a small town in Ohio and gave me such a platform in the world as this. I want to use this platform to show love to kids with disabilities or who just feel different and show them that they can do anything they put their mind to. I am walking proof that God can take your insecurities and make them your triumphs. I have been able to read my books to hundreds of kids giving me confidence in this skill that I was once so insecure about, and Jesus deserves all the glory!

My first book “Danny the Duck Heads South” depicted a duck who could no longer fly south after being injured. I didn’t know it at the time, but this book became an inspiring factor not only among those with disabilities, but also those who simply feel different. After this book was published, my publisher approached me about writing a “mission book,” which is a book looking to bring attention to a certain group of people who may be overlooked in our society.

Out of the given list, “Limb Loss and Limb Difference” stuck out to me for reasons I can’t explain. I met a young man at a track meet who had a disability and he showed me more courage and determination than I had seen anywhere else, and as I began to write, the words “refused to quit” echoed in my head.

Soon after, my second book “Danny and Kevin Conquer Camping” was published. Since the publishing of this book, I’ve had the privilege of meeting many individuals with disabilities, and every time I am inspired by their heart, courage, and determination. I feel it is my calling to inspire and bring attention to those who feel different with my books, and to show them that God made them just how they are for a specific reason and purpose.

My next book on the way is titled “Born to Stand Out,” and it is meant to bring attention to those who are hearing impaired. I think it is important that all kids grow up knowing that there are others out there who have difficulties in life, but just because someone has different circumstances than them doesn’t mean they have to be afraid or treat them differently. We are all made in the image of God.

In my journey, I have had the privilege of visiting several schools and reading my books to the students. I have been able to discuss how important it is to be kind and inclusive of everyone even if someone may look different or have a disability. All children deserve to be loved and included and I want kids to learn that at a young age. 

I would love to see a children’s show that highlights a disability or something that makes a child feel different like being adopted or in foster care every episode, so kids going through these circumstances can see themselves in the show and just how special they are.  I hope that God will continue to use me as a vessel to spread this message to kids throughout the world, and hopefully make it a better place for kids to grow up in. 


 Kale Sudhoff is currently 19 years old and is busy attending college and working as an Enrichment teacher at a local Preschool. He is a typical teenager hanging out with friends, but in his free time he loves to write and illustrate children’s books. He has written and illustrated three children’s books. 

In the Fall of 2020, when he was a Sophomore in High School, he released his first book, Danny the Duck Heads South, and in the Spring of 2022, when he was a Junior in High School, he released his second book, Danny and Kevin Conquer Camping. Throughout his school years, he has seen kids being excluded for being different or having a disability, so he wanted Danny and Kevin Conquer Camping to raise awareness for Limb Loss and Limb Difference

Kale’s latest book, Stewart H. Quills and His Explosive Emotions was released in the Fall of 2023. Kale is on a mission to inspire children to thrive, regardless of their challenges. Kale is currently working on his next book to raise awareness for Hearing Loss. A portion of every book sale is donated to The Aktion Club, a local organization for people with disabilities.

Kale is going to college to become an Elementary Education teacher and also hopes to continue to pursue his passion of writing and illustrating children’s books. 

Guest post courtesy of Kale Sudhoff

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates