The Gecko Without an Echo: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery 

The Mommies Reviews

I thought I would share a children’s book Charlie and I finished reading called The Gecko Without an Echo: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery  by Cheryl Denise Bannerman (Author), Anushka Bansal (Illustrator). I received a copy of in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

The Gecko Without an Echo: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery has the cutest cover of a Gecko and a Squirrel sitting together next to some pretty pink flowers. Can you imagine a Gecko wearing a baseball cap? This one is. Look at that Tree wouldn’t it be nice to have a Picnic under it with your friends and family?

Before I share my thoughts with you I would like to let you know the Author even sent me the cutest bookmark ever with a QR Code on it. This story is perfect for beginning readers and it teaches basic phonetics along with life lessons. I like how the author decicated the book to her daughter making me miss mine.

The Gecko’s name is Earl and the Squirrel is Tim. Just like my son and his friend Bradley they travel everywhere together. Then one day Earl was sad. Earl yelled to Mother Nature but when she didn’t answer back Earl thought she was rude and he had no, voice. Then they find a Cave and go inside. In the Cave was a Pond.

Earl yells and he hears someone answer back. Tim reminds Earl that he had his voice all along. I hope you take the time to read The Gecko Without an Echo: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery and that you share the story with all of your friends and family because the Author reminds us of love and what having a friend means

About the book:

Join Earl the Squirrel and Tim the Gecko on A Tale of Friendship and Discovery!

Calling all parents of budding bookworms and beginner readers! Are you ready for an enchanting adventure that will captivate your child’s imagination and teach them valuable lessons about communication and friendship? Look no further!

Meet Earl the Squirrel and Tim the Gecko, the most unlikely pair of pals you’ll ever encounter. They live in a cozy tree by the shimmering bay, where the gentle rustle of leaves and the soothing lull of the water provide the perfect backdrop for their heartwarming tale.

Tim, the carefree gecko, is overjoyed to explore the lush woods with his squirrel buddy, Earl. They scamper through the greenery, sharing secrets and giggles, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. But there’s one teeny-tiny problem that tugs at Tim’s little gecko heart. Whenever he shouts his name, there’s no echo of his own voice. No reply. Nada!

What happens next, you ask?

With every step they take, your child will be drawn into a world of wonder and discovery, sharing in the excitement of each revelation. But this delightful story is more than just an adventure; it’s a key to unlocking the world of reading for your toddler or school-age child. The clever use of rhyme and rhythm throughout the tale makes it a perfect tool for helping young readers hear the sounds and syllables in words. With each page turned, your child will be one step closer to becoming a confident reader!

But don’t just take our word for it. In a recent Goodreads review, one reader couldn’t contain their enthusiasm: “It is beautifully illustrated, and the rhyming verses will definitely keep the young ones engaged. And to top that, the story talks about an issue that is not only for the kids, but true for adults as well. So, for anyone who has kids, I highly recommend this book.”

So, if you’re looking for a story that combines the magic of friendship with the gift of literacy, “The Gecko Without an Echo “-Finalist in the Chanticleer Little Peeps Early Readers Fiction Award-is the perfect choice. Share this enchanting adventure with your child and watch as their love for reading blossoms like the leaves on a sunny spring day.

Meet the Author:

Ahoy there, curious traveler through the wondrous landscape of language! Cheryl Bannerman is a multi-genre author of ten, yes ten, published works of fiction. Not a Jack of All Trades but a Jane of all Genres! Her passport to literary realms is more colorful than a rainbow riding a unicorn through a Skittles factory.

Tired of the air quality, taxes, the turnpike, and cloudiness of New Jersey, she set sail for sunny Florida in 2016. She soon learned that lizards, gators, and love bugs were just as unpleasant. Oh well, the story continues!

Her journey into writing began in 2009 and after only five years of self-publishing various titles, she won the 2018 Book Excellence Award for her book of poetry, Words Never Spoken, a self-improvement book offering lines for journaling and healing from an abusive relationship.

In 2020, her first book, Black Child to Black Woman: An African-American Woman Coming-of-Age Story, won the Best Books Awards in the category of African American fiction and, in 2021, the Reader’s Favorite International Book Award Contest in the Urban Fiction category.

Time for a celebration! Not yet. Unfortunately, life continued to knock her silly, but she just grabbed a pint of Haagen Dazs chocolate, chocolate chip ice cream and kept getting back up for more. A glutton for punishment, you might say. Through two divorces and the death of her parents and only child, she has turned tragedies into triumphs through her powerful will, faith in God, tenacity, and, most importantly, her quirky sense of humor.

If you want a taste of her sarcastic, quirky humor, check out her top seller-the hilarious, award-winning Anna Romano Murder Mystery series on paperback, eBook, and audiobook – which was a Semi-Finalist in the MLC Audiobook Awards with a 2020 IMDb Nomination for Book 1, Cats, Cannolis, and a Curious Kidnapping.

Bannerman’s creativity knows no bounds, and her wacky imagination game is stronger than a gym full of Arnold Schwarzeneggers. So, welcome aboard the Jane of all Genres train for the ride of your life! Stay curious, stay witty, and remember, when life gives you lemons, bake an apple pie. I think that’s how the saying goes. Anyway, Arrivederci!

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates