The Execution Life and Times of Patrick O’Donnell The Last Days of a Condemned Man

The Mommies Reviews

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I would like to share a Historical Novel called The Execution Life and Times of Patrick O’Donnell The Last Days of a Condemned Man by  Gavin O’Donnell (Author) which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

Homeschool has us teach subjects were not sure of for me which is History and its why I decided to request a copy of the book The Execution, Life and Times of Patrick O’Donnell which I though David would enjoy and if Charlie saw David reading a book he might as well. Or at least help his dad read the book and yes, I was right.

Charlie and David enjoyed the suspense and drama in the book and through the story we was able to enhance our lessons to including Typhoid in our Homeschool History Class. We will be studying prisons and also looking up more information on Patrick O’Donell and the Author. Charlie and I learned about “Letters of Clemency. Do you know what that is?

Charlie loves looking up things on YouTube including famous killers but my family hadn’t hear of Pheonix Park Killer which we enjoyed learning about. The book included President Chester A. Arthur which we can add to our studies on Presidents. The book will keep you on the edge of your seat.


History tells us that Patrick O’Donnell was hanged in Newgate Prison in December 1883 for the murder of James Carey, the infamous Phoenix Park Killer and notorious Irish informer. History however tells us almost nothing of his remarkable life. Letters of clemency sent to his trial by Victor Hugo and US President Chester A. Arthur hint at an extraordinary life for an Irish peasant.

Explore his life and times through this unique work of creative fiction, entwined with historical fact; from the Great Hunger to the typhoid sheds of Quebec; from his service in the Confederate army and capture at Chattanooga in 1863 to the O’Donnell massacre at Wiggan’s Patch, Pennsylvania; and ultimately to that fateful day off the coast of Port Elizabeth when he put three bullets into Carey.

The Execution, Life and Times of Patrick O’Donnell reveals, in intimate and fascinating detail, through a series of letters, the incredible life of one man, and the times in which he lived. Letters published for the first time herein.

British agent, hero of Ireland, or something else altogether?

About the author

Gavin grew up in Wales, Ireland, North Africa and England. An elective mute until the age of 5 his first word was ‘Texaco’… don’t ask. Aged 11 unable to read properly he was classed as Educationally Sub Normal (ESN).

He studied Construction Management in Limerick obtaining a degree and later, at age 40, by way of distance learning he obtained his Batchelor of Laws at Nottingham.

He retired early from a varied career from the nuclear industry to construction project management. After retiring he and his wife Linda refurbished several cottages in SW France and built up a small holiday business before selling up and returning to rural South Wales; where they now reside in a self-built stone cottage along with three cats, Jess, Bob and Kpo, several chickens and a few thousand bees. Their two grown children and one grandchild live nearby.

Gavin started writing in 2019 with a memoir about the loss of their daughter in a fire in Bordeaux, in 1990. A few short stories followed and then his ‘piece of resistance’; ‘The Execution, Life and Times of Patrick O’Donnell’, which is by far his most ambitious project to date. A work of creative fiction closely bound to and conflated with historical facts.

He is currently working on a humorous but serious novel about mental health, and how it is misunderstood; it is entitled ‘Brian’.

His screenplay for ‘The Execution Life and Times of Patrick O’Donnell’ reached the 2022 Scriptation Showcase Script Competition quarter finals.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates