I thought I would share The Examined Life Workbook which I was sent to review. The thoughts in this review is mine and my families. No, one else.

The Examined Life Workbook is written by Brittany Salsman. I will be using The Examined Life Workbook to get to know myself better. As I work through the exercises I plan on asking David the same questions so I can get to know him better and see what his plans for his life is.
Charlie Homeschooling full time I can work on my lessons while he is doing his. Which I believe will motivate Charlie to do his schoolwork and not fuss as much.
As I was looking through the workbook this morning I even found exercises Charlie can do in place of the Lessons he usually does. Which excites me because I believe The Examined Life Workbook is going to bring us closer together and help us figure out what has been going wrong in our lives.
As well as helping us cut out a lot of the stress we have been feeling. The Examined Life Workbook is the perfect size to fit in my backpack to take when were out running errands.

I could even see taking The Examined Life Workbook with me to the park to work in while Charlie is playing after I finish my walk. I can’t wait to share The Examined Life Workbook with my girlfriends.
I’m Praying my Girl Friends will want to read The Examined Life Workbook then we could start a Girls Book Club. Allowing us to spend time together while learning more about each other. As well as ways we can support not only my girlfriends but there families.
Brittany Salsman | Founder & Author
“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” -Bob Marley
Order your copy of The Examined Life Workbook today!
10% of all profits from the sales of this book are donated to the American Brain Tumor Association.
If you prefer to make a direct donation, you can donate here.
Brittany Salsman ICF Credentialed Life Coach who helps individuals experience posttraumatic growth without the necessity of a trauma.
Give yourself and your partner the gift of knowing yourself first, so you both can show up stronger in your relationship.
Everyone wants to be known.. That begins with knowing yourself first.
Brittany Salsman, a former educator, was checking all the boxes until everything abruptly changed in 2017.. A diagnosis of a brain tumor launched her into a life-long relationship with posttraumatic growth.
She now works as an ICF credentialed life coach and helps others experience this level of growth without the necessity of a traumatic event – what she calls non-traumatic growth.
In The Examined Life Workbook, you will embark on a bold journey toward knowing yourself – learning who you are, what you dream of, and how to manifest it into reality.
You’ll find over 70 tools, strategies, and exercises that help you exponentially increase your self-awareness without the necessity of a life-altering event. You will move toward a life where everything, everyone, every action, and every decision serves the purpose of taking you one step closer to your true self.
10% of all profits from the sales of this book are donated to the American Brain Tumor Association.
Full Name: Brittany Salsman

Credentials: Masters in Higher Education (University of Denver), ICF Credentialed Life Coach
She fundamentally believes that everyone wants to be known and that starts with knowing yourself first. Her clients explore where they are now, where they want to go, and how to connect the two. They walk away with a deeper, more intimate knowing of themselves that allows them to have a Life Lived by Design.
Website URL: The Examined Life Workbook
Facebook: Instagram: @LifeLivedbyDesign
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates