The Enchanting Power of Representation: Why Diverse Characters in Children’s Literature Matter

The Mommies Reviews

Once upon a time, I fell in love with the magical world of fairy tales. As a young Brazilian girl, I was captivated by dazzling worlds of fantasy and imagination, where good triumphs over evil and dreams come true. But I noticed one thing was missing from those beloved stories – characters who looked like me.I longed to see the skin, hair, and features of black children reflected in those timeless tales. I dreamed of the day when children of every race could open a book and know that they too could be the hero of any story. That inspired my life’s mission – to bring the enchantment of diversity into children’s literature.

The Value of Representation

Seeing diverse characters fosters empathy, broadens perspectives, and empowers children of all races. 

Here are six key benefits of diversity in kids’ books:

Promoting Inclusivity

When children of minority groups see realistic portrayals of characters from their culture, it promotes a sense of belonging. Representation sends the message that their stories matter, helping them feel valued and accepted. It is important for children to see themselves reflected in the stories they read, as it can provide a powerful validation of their identity.

Breaking Stereotypes

Books starring diverse protagonists introduce unique narratives beyond stereotypes. They provide insight into new worlds, experiences, and traditions, challenging assumptions. By depicting diverse characters in a variety of roles and situations, children learn that people are not defined solely by their race or ethnicity, but by their individuality and the choices they make.

Building Cultural Awareness

Rich representation exposes children to customs, languages, and traditions different from their own. This nurtures appreciation for other ways of life from a young age. By reading about characters from diverse backgrounds, children develop a deeper understanding and respect for different cultures, fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.

Amplifying Marginalized Voices

Diversity provides a platform for authors from underrepresented groups to share their perspectives. It ensures their stories are valued. By including diverse voices in children’s literature, we create opportunities for marginalized authors to be heard and celebrated. This not only enriches the literary landscape but also provides role models for children who may have previously felt invisible or unheard.

Boosting Self-Confidence

Seeing one’s identity reflected in books validates children’s experiences and makes them feel empowered to embrace their uniqueness. Representation in children’s literature helps foster a positive self-image and boosts the self-confidence of children from underrepresented backgrounds. When children see characters’ who look like them overcoming challenges and achieving great things, it inspires them to believe in their own potential.

The Positive Impact on All Children

Critics sometimes argue stories should remain faithful to their original form. But I believe classic tales can be reimagined to reflect inclusive values that resonate with today’s diverse young readers. Representation is not about excluding characters but about celebrating the universality of growing up – regardless of one’s skin or background.

Seeing empowered black characters’ benefits children of all races. For minority children, it promotes self-acceptance and pride. For white children, it fosters understanding of different perspectives. Diverse books teach that while characters may look different on the outside, inside they share common dreams, fears, and hopes. By exposing children to diverse characters, we foster empathy, understanding, and a sense of shared humanity.

Diverse characters in children’s literature hold immense significance. They promote inclusivity, break stereotypes, build cultural awareness, amplify marginalized voices, and boost self-confidence. By incorporating representation in kids’ books, we empower children of all races, foster empathy, and nurture a more inclusive and accepting society. The enchanting power of representation lies in its ability to ignite young minds, broaden horizons, and inspire generations to come.

A NEW generation of fairy tales has arrived. Its pages contain wondrous realms where every child can dream big. Its words weave messages of courage, kindness, and believing in yourself. In my heart, I know we are many colors but one humanity. If we can teach children to see that truth, the future looks bright indeed. That is the true magic and power of repr


Isabel Cintra grew up in the small town of Sao Joaquim de Barra, Brazil. At an early age, she entered the magical world of writing and literature. A shy girl with a head full of thoughts, her greatest desire was to share with the world, through her books, the vision of an enchanted princess who looked like her. Through her vibrant picture books, illustrated by her brother Zeka Cintra, Isabel strives to introduce kids to a world where diversity is valuable and beautiful. Fantasy, representativeness and diversity are common themes in her editorial production. Her work, Corvo-Correio was a winner of the 2017 Off Flip Literature Prize. She currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden with her husband and daughters.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates