The Dining Drawcard — How to Use Restaurant Signage Effectively

The Mommies Reviews

The Dining Drawcard — How to Use Restaurant Signage Effectively

There’s something about a special meal in an incredible restaurant that stays with us long after dessert is polished off. So many components come together to tantalise your senses, leaving you with a lasting lust for that aroma, taste or visual delight. Restaurant signage plays a large role in the presentation of a venue, and still so many management teams will underutilise or refrain from such an effective feature. If you haven’t yet benefited from the advantages of effective signage, here is what you stand to gain.

Experiment with materials

Restaurant signage has evolved beyond simply slapping a plastic board at the front of an establishment, and what a relief that is. At a reputable restaurant, it’s common to see a mixture of materials implemented, such as wood, stone, metals and glass. If you’re pondering why you should consider laser cut wood for your project, you need only consider the global trends and motivations of the greater public.

Wooden branding and signage signifies a relationship with natural elements, which is a value you will want your diners to associate you with. If your current facade and internal decor is made from other materials, then all the better to blend and pronounce your wooden signage.

Portray your personality

The restaurant scene is saturated with new and established entities, fighting for their place in the minds and social calendars of a fickle market. That’s why it’s never been so important to discern and portray your unique brand personality, giving your signage a point of difference. It can be as simple as a quirky way of communicating basic instructions, or something a bit out there that summarises the essence of your brand voice. Generally speaking, the more out there the message, the greater chance that it is remembered and shared on social platforms and word of mouth circles.

It keeps you competitive

It’s bad practice to make any decisions off the back of your competitors activity. But that’s not to say you shouldn’t stay competitive. Depending on the environment in which your restaurant resides, signage serves the key and functional benefit of alerting diners and the public that your restaurant is there.

If potential diners are driving by your restaurant each day and marvelling at your decor, but unable to see the name of your restaurant, you have probably lost business. Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who doesn’t know who you are or what you are about — and ask yourself if you’re name and concept is clear in answering that.

Think beyond your four walls

So your restaurant signage is clear and prominent to someone standing in front of your restaurant. But what about those who are walking one street over, or moving through a large local thoroughfare? This is where sandwich boards and banner signage can be particularly useful at capturing new customers and future advocates.

It’s important that you don’t overdo this notion, as it can look kitschy if there are too many signs and banners trying to herd people who may not be interested. When you decide on the right mix of restaurant signage, remember to ask your diners how they heard about you so that you can evaluate which locations are working best with your market.


With a bit of luck, you’re already planning your next restaurant signage concept. There is so much scope on what can be achieved, with only your imagination and brand experimentation limiting you. Make your decisions based on your brand voice and personality, and then set a strategy surrounding location and market segments so you can continue to fine tune your restaurant empire.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates