How are you this morning? As I began to work on The Cornerstone Challenge Day Seventeen: Content that Shares User Experience I couldn’t think of anything to share.
Instead I have a question for you. How do you post everyday and not get behind? Can you give me some tips as I plan on doing another challenge next month and I know if I am not careful just like in this one I will spend all my time playing catchup.
I must tell you I feel like the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland who is late for a very important date. I feel like being behind all the time is telling Charlie he can do the same thing and I don’t want to send that message to him.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
When I know the daily prompts I try to write my blogs late in the evening so they will be ready for morning. If I have time I write the one for the following day so I don’t have to worry. When you have free time (like that probably never happens. lol) write a few from the list even a week away. It will surprise you when the date comes along and your blog is written! I like the UBC challenge because you don’t have to use the prompts. When Lia and I are doing a project or something pops in my mind for a good topic, I keep a list of them and write when the timing works. If a prompt is something I want to write about, save the ones you have written for another date. Hope this helps.
See you always get behind when you are a parent.The truck is try as much as you can.You will get better at it as time passes .Best part you will still write more than you have ever done.