The Busy Moms Guide to Looking Great

The Mommies Reviews

Back when you were a teenage girl, you probably spent hours getting ready for a night out. Doing your nails, washing your hair, putting on makeup, waxing, plucking, and choosing the best outfit were all a normal part of your day, and you enjoyed every minute of it. Okay, maybe not the waxing part. However, those days are behind you, and now, just as any other mom, you probably cannot go to the toilet without at least one kid barging in asking for something. Your soda is always warm, your coffee is always cold and you spend most of the day looking like you just woke up. However, you don’t have to go around looking like a walking pile of laundry. If you are tired of looking at that strange woman in the mirror and you miss your old self, here are a couple of tricks that will help you get ready in no time. 

Wash your face when you wake up

This takes up only a minute of your time, but it can do wonders for your skin. It will keep your skin exfoliated so it will look fresh and not at all like you haven’t slept, and will also prevent dead skin cells from blocking your pores and causing a breakout. Glowing skin can make you look and feel younger, so don’t skip this step. 

Opt for timeless accessories

We all know that a nice piece of jewelry can elevate your outfit, so look for pieces that never go out of style. Pearl necklaces or moonstone rings from Moon Magic are always a good investment. 

Shower and wash your hair at night

Maybe a shower can help you wake up in the morning, but if you want to actually shower in peace without worrying that you will have to run into the living room wet and half-naked because you thought you heard your kid crying, shower before bed. You won’t get dirty from your clean pajamas and sheets for sure, so there is nothing to worry about. In addition, you will have more time the next morning. Since your kids will be asleep, you can also wash your hair using a good conditioner that will give your hair tons of body. This way you will be able to style it with ease the next morning. 

Master the art of the hair bun

Look at the tutorials on YouTube and learn how to create the perfect bun in less than a minute. It can be sleek or messy, but either way, it will make you look put together and polished. Just put some hairspray on it so it stays put, and you are good to go.

Don’t overdo your makeup

With kids in the house, there is just no time for all those makeup layers you used to apply. Instead, use a concealer to cover those dark circles under your eyes, put on mascara to make your eyes pop, and just slightly go over your cheeks with blush so you look healthy and fresh. This whole routine should take about two minutes. 

Wear clothes that fit you

If you have all kinds of clothes in your closet, from back when you were thinner, to those you wore during your pregnancy, it is time to clean out your closet and organize things. Put the clothes that don’t fit you in boxes and place them in the back of your closet, and only display those that fit you currently. This can be a huge time-saver when you are in a rush, which is always. Wearing clothes that aren’t too big or small will help you avoid looking too frumpy or drawing attention to your muffin top.  

With these tips, you will even have time to drink coffee in the morning and greet the day looking your best.