The Boy With The Faster Brain

The Mommies Reviews

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The Boy With The Faster Brain
The Boy With The Faster Brain

I would like to introduce you to a new children’s book The Boy With The Faster Brain by Peter Shankman. I received a copy of the book for this review.

Before I share my thoughts on The Boy With The Faster Brain I would like to ask you to check out the Author Peter Shakman who reminds me of Charlie so much because he also has ADHD and sometimes Charlie’s brain doesn’t seem to slow down. At times I feel like my brain does the same. How about you?

The Boy With The Faster Brain has the cutest little boy on the cover of the book. Look at that smile on his face doesn’t it make you happy? Charlie liked his read shirt and I love the background on the book done in blues and yellows and white that reminds me of Clouds. I don’t know about you but I would like to crawl into them and fly away.

Reading this book with Charlie brought us back to his first year in school and would have made it so much easier on Charlie if we had the Doctor or someone like her to teach Charlie these steps which we can still use now. If you know of a child with problems in school, I hope you take the time to share this book not only with the children but their parents and also the teachers and staff in the school.


The Boy With The Faster Brain
The Boy With The Faster Brain

Your child isn’t broken! Transform your child’s ADHD into a superpower that will turbocharge how they learn, think, and grow!

Peter Shankman realized a long time ago that his ADHD was responsible for most, if not all of his success. After starting and selling three companies and writing five best-selling books (including Faster Than Normal, which in five years has become the bible of ADHD and productivity), Peter decided it was time to write a book that focused on children—one that would teach them that ADHD, and all forms of neurodiversity, can be gifts, and not a curse—as long as they understand how to use them. That’s what this book is about. Come meet Peter, his mom and dad, and Dr. Lisa, and understand why having a faster brain is the best thing that a child could ask for.

About the Author: Peter Shakman

Peter Shakman is a spectacular example of what happens when you find the best traits of ADHD and work really hard to make them benefit you.

Diagnosed at seven years old with “sit down, you’re disrupting the class” disease, Peter wasn’t formally diagnosed with ADHD until his mid-30s. By that time, however, he’d started and sold two companies and realized that all the differences that formerly labeled him as a troublemaker were actually his greatest assets.

After Peter sold his third company, (Help a Reporter Out,) he decided to focus on really understanding this “faster brain” of his, and learning exactly what it could do. From that, the “Faster Than Normal” podcast and bestselling book of the same name were born. Since then, Peter has written numerous best-selling books and “Faster than Normal” is the Internet’s #1 podcast on ADHD.

In 2022, Peter joined BluShark Digital and Price Benowitz LLP as a futurist – someone whose specialty is to systematically explore predictions and possibilities about the future of a company and its industry. Peter helps the agency and firm innovate to better serve their clients as both companies continue to grow upward. More information about his work as a futurist can be found at .

Peter believes that everyone has gifts, potential, and abilities far beyond what society has deemed “normal,” and strives to help bring those gifts to life in as many people as he can through his podcast, books, online videos, and countless worldwide speaking appearances. He can be found at @petershankman on all of the socials, and at

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates