The Best Ways You Can Manage Your Stress

The Mommies Reviews

The Best Ways You Can Manage Your Stress

Stress can block your productivity and creativity. However, consistent use of light therapy can solve that problem for you. Read to know more. 

Stress is one of the most common conditions that nearly most of the worldwide population suffers.

Due to lack of proper stress management, people tend to be less productive, motivated, and even hampers their personal lives.

However, all these issues can be solved with the right kind of stress management techniques. So, in this blogpost, we’ll look at all the best ways to solve these stress issues. 

Therefore, read till the end to know all the solutions. 

Regular Sessions of Light Therapy 

Initially, light therapy sessions were used to cure patients with depression and insomnia. However, as the technologies advanced, researchers got to know that these sessions can also be used for various other purposes like skincare, muscle mass growth, hair treatment, and many more. Light therapy is also widely used in tanning salons all over the world.

This method of therapy can also be used to treat stress problems among people. The wavelengths from these therapy lights help to slow down your breathing which helps you to relax. 

Moreover, the heat from these therapy devices keeps you calm and your mind relaxed, but you need to be consistent with these therapy sessions for better and effective results. 

It’s highly recommended that you consult with your doctor first before going through these therapy sessions. 

Consider Using Guided Imagery

“Guided imagery” is more like having a mental vacation. It may involve visualizing yourself in your favorite places like sitting on a beach, smelling the sea, watching the sunset, and many more.

To use this stress-relieving technique, simply close your eyes for a moment and imagine a peaceful place. Then visualize yourself enjoying the scenery and having a great time. After some time, reopen your eyes and bring your attention back to the current moment.

In this way, you can release a lot of your stress and feel more relaxed and active. 


Meditation provides both immediate and long-term stress reduction. There are many kinds of meditation you can try. Each one is distinct and appealing in its own way. 2

You may create a “mantra” that you mentally repeat as you take slow and deep breaths. Moreover, you may spend a few minutes practicing mindfulness to keep yourself calm and active. 

For effective meditation, try to observe your surroundings and stay at such a position that keeps you more relaxed and comfortable. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises

Progressive muscle relaxation gives you the gradual relaxation of all the muscles in your body.

To begin, take a few deep breaths. Then, begin with your forehead and work your way down to your toes, practice tightening and relaxing each of the muscle groups.

With practice, you’ll develop an awareness of muscle tension and tightness and will be able to relax more. 

However, each time you practice, you should feel a “wave of relaxation” rush across your body.

Concentrate on Breathing

Simply focusing on your breath can significantly reduce the overall stress level. Breathing practices can instantly relax your mind and body. 

While there are several breathing exercises, such as karate breathing and a few basic ones like:

Inhale through your nose and notice how quickly your stomach fills with air. As you inhale, count slowly to three. Hold for a second and then slowly exhale through your nose while counting to three once more.

Consume a Balanced Diet

A poor diet can result in increased sensitivity to stress.

Emotional eating and grabbing for high-fat, high-sugar foods may bring a brief sensation of relief, but they only serve to compound your long-term stress.

Refined carbohydrates, such as cookies and potato chips, can produce a blood sugar increase. When your blood sugar levels drop, you may feel increased worry and anxiety.

Consuming a nutritious diet over time can assist you in combating stress. Eggs, avocado, and walnuts all contribute to mood control and energy balance.

Recreational Activities

Recreational activities can be an excellent method to relieve stress.

Many people also believe that their lives are way too busy to bring out time for hobbies, games, or any such activities.

However, including leisure time into your schedule might be crucial to helping you feel more relaxed and active. 

Enjoying your leisure time also helps you to be more productive at work and be more efficient with whatever activities you do. 

Go for a Walk 

Exercise is an excellent stress reliever that works within a matter of minutes. A walk provides a change of environment, which can help you get into a better mind frame, and it also provides the benefits of exercise.

So, you can always try to implement small strolls in your routine to keep yourself both active and fit. You don’t need long walks, short and effective ones would be enough to keep you both fit and relaxed. 

Bottom Line

There are many reasons we can be stressed, it can be due to our professional or personal lives. 

When you are under stress, your mind becomes clouded that resists the flow of thoughts and even blocks your creativity and productivity. 

In such cases, the methods mentioned above can help you release a lot of your stress. However, if you still face issues, do make sure to consult with a professional for better treatment solutions. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates