I would like to thank The Lake Highlands Alamo Drafthouse for allowing my family to attend the premier for The Angry Birds Movie 2 before the movies was released to the public in exchange for our thoughts.
We attended the premier for The Angry Birds Movie 2 Saturday morning. If it had been possible David and Charlie would have staked out Alamo Theater the night before because they couldn’t wait for time to leave to go see this movie.

David and Charlie had been counting down the days until The Angry Birds Movie 2 premiered. I also had wanted to see The Angry Birds Movie 2 since I had seen Angry Birds 1.
Once we arrived at Alamo DraftHouse I was amazed at how many people where already in line. Families, teenagers and children galore. David and Charlie were worried they wouldn’t get a seat.
We did and they were perfect sets in row 5 which will always ask for because the seats weren’t to high that I couldn’t climb there. Nor were they to high up to bother Charlie who is afraid of heights.
We settled in although we should have brought a blanket as the theater was a little cold for me. Charlie wrote out our order for us. A Dr Pepper which comes with free refills. Gummy Bears for him and Hot Melt in Your Mouth Chocolate Chip cookies for me. Which was delicious but next time I will get Popcorn because that is what David wanted.

The Angry Birds Movie 2 began and you couldn’t hear a pin drop. We all became drawn into the story line and didn’t want the movie to end. We can’t wait to see if there will come out with a 3rd Angry Birds.
The music in this film was phenomenal and I can’t wait to purchase not only the DVD but the Sound Track if they come out with one because we enjoyed the Music a lot. Charlie even knew all of the songs and wanted to sing them on the way home.
The Angry Birds Movie 2 is the perfect film for all ages from children to men and women. I could even see using this movie as a Team Building lesson because it teaches us how important it is to get along even with our frenemies.

Ever since angry bird Red saved his island from even-angrier pigs, the two species have lived in an uneasy peace, with the pigs constantly vowing revenge. But when strange birds from a new island threaten fowl and swine alike, they’re forced to put aside their differences. This unlikely team of frenemies will have to sneak into hostile territory to destroy a nefarious weapon, and hopefully avoid destroying one another in the process.
THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE 2 brings the madcap chaos and destruction of the ANGRY BIRDS franchise to a brand-new story that sees mortal enemies uniting for the first time. This colorful adventure will take the pigs and birds to all-new places, and have them doing things they never thought they’d do.
Featuring the voice talents of Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Peter Dinklage, Leslie Jones, Rachel Bloom, and Awkwafina, THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE 2 brings audiences back to one of the world’s most popular video game universes. Just make sure you don’t get knocked over.
Are you planning on seeing The Angry Birds Movie 2 which opens today? Did you see Angry Birds Movie 1? We did and we enjoyed it as well although we liked Angry Birds Movie 2 better.
My niece Alyssa and her husband David also attend the premier for The Angry Birds Movie 2 and they let me know they liked this film better than Angry Birds 1.
Alyssa let me know they also tried the Chocolate Chip Cookies and like them a lot. They had Vanilla Ice cream which was very tasty and Chicken Fingers with Hatch Gravy they liked a lot.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates