The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell which I was sent to review in exchange for a copy of the novel.


In a ever changing world as a parent there are questions Charlie is going to ask that David and I will not know the answers to. to better prepare myself I have been branching out into new subjects so I can answer these questions to the best of my ability.

Which is why I wanted to read The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell to give me a professionals thoughts then I can break these down into how I feel.

Not judging anyone’s lifestyle what they believe but showing Charlie there is a huge world and just because he doesn’t know someone that is different than him they do exist and they are just like me and you.

Then if someone ask Charlie questions he can explain to them what is happening or tell me they have questions and I can’ let his friends parents know and share my copy of The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell with them so they can prepare there children and teach them how to handle any situation.

Having pictures and Infographics inside the novel made it easier for Charlie to grasp what they was talking about. We can even use some of the words in our Speeling test. When we resume Homeschooling this ear.

As well as use The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell in our Health class.i just need to have David read The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell before school begins so he isn’t shocked but what Charlie and I will be studying.

Not that David would have a problem with the subject but he might have questions I don’t know the answer to and again The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ashley Mardell will help David understand what is happening.

The ABC’s of LGBT+ is a #1 Bestselling LGBT book and is essential reading for questioning teens, teachers or parents looking for advice–or anyone who wants to learn how to talk about gender identity and sexual identity.

We are living in a post-binary world where gender fluency and a real understanding of our LGBT+ family is essential. Ashley Mardell, one of the most trusted voices on YouTube, presents a detailed look at all things LGBT+ in this remarkable book.

Along with in-depth definitions, personal anecdotes, helpful infographics, resources, and more, Mardell’s LGBT book is proof that it does get better every day in a world where people are empowered by information and understanding.

In Mardell’s own words, “This book is also for allies and LGBT+ people simply looking to pack in some extra knowledge… a critical part of acceptance. Learning about new identities broadens our understanding of humanity, heightens our empathy, and allows us different, valuable perspectives.” View this book on Bookshop and Amazon!

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates