To a list of Thanksgiving Resources we can use in our classroom. Charlie is sitting her tapping his feet because he can’t wait to look through the Thanksgiving Resources. Excuse me while I go and get our Lessons started before Charlie changes his mind and ask to play his PS3.
Thanksgiving Resources
Use these cross-curricular learning activities and teaching resources for a fun twist in your lesson plans leading up until Thanksgiving break. We hope you have a great holiday!

8 Great Ways to Be Thankful
Check out this printable info graphic for eight great ways to show how thankful you are, perfect for kids of all ages.
Cross-Curricular Activities about Native America
This timeline shows some important events in Native American/newcomer relations. Create a large timeline on the board and have students add the dates of the events in the timeline from Native America. Read more.
Cross-Curricular Activities About 13 Colonies
Invite students to imagine that they live in one of the 13 Colonies and are keeping journals or diaries of their daily lives. Encourage them to write as descriptively as possible about the lives they imagine. Read more.
Cross-Curricular Classroom Activities for Early Settlements
Before European powers began colonizing North America, numerous Native American tribes had already been living there for centuries. Have each student choose one tribe (you can use the map in Looking West from Europe) to research and present on the cultures and histories of their respective tribes. Read more.
Guess What’s Coming to Dinner?
Ask your students to write and draw something that they could bring to a Thanksgiving dinner. Here are a few ideas to get them going.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates