Homeschooling Charlie can be harder than pulling teeth. When I’m ready to throw in the towel and tell David to put Charlie back into Public School because I am done. The LORD shows me something new. Which is what happened this weekend when David and I went to Texas Pinners Convention who was featuring #scripturedoodle.

By the time we came upon #scripturedoodle Daivd was tired and walked right past the booth but I stopped. I walked up to there table and David asked me what I was doing. I told David that I wanted to check out there company as a Homeschool Resource for Charlie. As soon as I said that David walked up and listened to what the owners had to say.
Charlie has begun going back to Church so I let David know I would like to add a Bible Studies class to our studies and I believed this resource would allow me to not only teach Charlie but get David involved as well. I hope you take the times to check out ScriptureDoodle as soon as possible because it will change your life.
Here is a fun fact that will make my life easier they host Online Classes. Thank the LORD I can get a break while Charlie does the lessons or we can join in as a family. As well as invite my best friend Debbie and her daughter. I have a question for you. Would you like to join us for Doodles Tips + Tricks Workshop. I don’t know about you but I’m always doodling. How about you?
Check out there retreats here:
Scripturedoodle began as a simple bible study practice to help me keep my creativity focused on God. The idea was this: read a bible verse and draw a picture of what it looked like. Over the years we’ve seen this ministry grow into something, not just for me but for anyone in the family of God. We’ve traveled the world to share it with others, we’ve created resources and written books, and seen God do more than we could ask or imagine… but no matter the season or opportunity the HEART has stayed the same: to help you encounter God through creativity in worship.
When we create space for God to move in our hearts it sets the stage for Him to speak directly to us whatever it is our hearts need to hear. My greatest prayer through this ministry is not that it would be shiny and great but that it would facilitate genuine encounters with the presence of God.
I hope it blesses you and yours. And if it does, I’d love to hear about it.