termite treatment

Insect Insights – A Gluttonous Guide to Termites

There are a few things that are a homeowners worst nightmare. Botched renovations are one of them. Fire, flood and storm damage is another. Not being able to pay off the mortgage is up there too. But termites. Boy oh boy, termites. Termites might nearly take the whole cake and eat it up for dinner if the cake was the wooden structural foundations of your home. Termites have the ability to render your home unlivable and unsalable. Read on to discover more about these noisome pests, and how to get rid of them.

Signs to Look For

There are a few telltale signs that your place may be in need of a termite treatment. One is the sound of them slowly destroying your woodwork. This may sound like a soft, quiet clicking sound emitting from your walls. This is due to the soldier termites warning their colony of danger. Also, if you pop your ear to the wall you may even be able to hear them eating your wood.

Another early warning sign of termite infestation is flying termites. These little blighters are called swarmers or alates and they are termites who have left the homestead to find a mate and establish a new colony – and wreck someone else’s home.

If You Suspect Termites

If you suspect that your home may have some uninvited guests that love to devour cellulose material like your timber frames the most useful thing you can do is book an inspection by a licensed, qualified pest inspector. Do this straight away, as it could mean the difference between a ruined home and one that is only slightly damaged. They’ll be able to assess if you do indeed have an infestation and be able to treat it right away, saving you expensive repairs and the possibility of a complete rebuild.

What About Treatment

There are a few different types of treatment that a professional pest controller will carry out. For subterranean (underground) termites the best method of treatment is a combination of liquid poison and baits. The poison is applied to the soil around your home and the baits are placed around the foundation of your home and above the ground too.

Drywood termites are best dispatched with fumigation.

What About Cost

Termite treatment is, unfortunately, an expensive process. But think about the cost of having to have your home’s structural timber replaced. The treatment is always going to be the cheaper option, so don’t stick your head in the sand and hope they’ll go away. Some pest controllers offer payment plans. Also, some insurance companies provide pest control policies so check with your insurer and you might find that you’re covered and will only have to pay an excess for treatment.

A Word About Prevention

Luckily for you, there are a few things you can do to prevent the cheeky buggers from ever calling your place home. Broken tiles are a common culprit of the beginning of an infestation, as the moisture that accumulates underneath them is like catnip for termites. So fix any broken tiles as soon as you notice them.

Speaking of moisture, the air conditioner release can also create a damp environment that termites love, to ensure that it is placed well away from the foundations of your home.

To Sum, it All Up

There are a few telltale signs that your home may be infested by termites, such as their sounds and if you spot them flying around. If you think you’ve got an infestation, then contact a professional right away. The treatment may vary and won’t be cheap, but it’s definitely cheaper than rebuilding your property. Finally, prevention is better than the cure so take the above steps to minimize moisture and you should be right as rain if you’ll pardon the pun.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates