Teenagers and Disrespect

The Mommies Reviews

When I began this Blog I wanted to use it to empower and inform parents and one of the ways was sharing this that happen in our lives. As a parent we all know our children aren’t perfect but we never expect them to disrespect a Police Officer or destroy someone else property.

I can’t honestly say Charlie did or didn’t do either of these last night but what I can say is I haven’t ever been as disappointed in Charlie as I was last night. I struggle with letting Charlie have Freedom including letting him go to the Park on his own with his friends.

All I ask is Charlie is back inside the house in the evening before it gets dark and he always has his phone on him so I can reach him. Because there is a group of boys he plays Basketball with and being 13 almost 14 I shouldn’t have to hold Charlie’s hand.

But let me tell you after last night that may be happening and Charlie may never be leaving his room again. In the past two months Charlie has had two incidents with the Law. The first time someone was breaking into the school. Charlie and his friend Bradley was walking to the park.

When the Police detained them because the Security Guard thought it was them. But the child’s bike was in the back of the school. Then there a a girl with Charlie who told the Security Guard that the bike belonged to her brother who had been in the back of the school. It turned out it was this child and his friend. Thank the LORD.

Then last night I was working when someone knocked on the door. I thought it was either Charlie playing a trick on me because it was dark and he should have been in the house. Or one of Charlie’s friends looking for Charlie. Boy, on boy was I wrong.

It was a Police Officer who wanted to speak to me. I walked out onto the Porch and he let me know there was children destroying the school and Bullying the Security Guard. Charlie was with this group of children. Charlie says he wasn’t doing this and as a mom I want to believe him.

Children follow other children and I just do not know what to believe. Especially when the neighbor tells me he found a Video on his sons phone of him inside the school. Knowing Charlie and Bradley are always together if I had found a Video I would have let him know but of course he doesn’t say anything until the Police arrive.

Having all the Police her and all of the boys I let them know that if something else happened they could take Charlie to jail because I didn’t plan on dealing with this again. My question is why wouldn’t the Police take all the boys home and make the parents aware of what is going on.

Let me tell you I let both of Charlie’s friends parents who live here know because I would have wanted them to do that for me. But when I tell you your child is at my home and the police just left don’t keep telling me no, he isn’t he is at a friends house because I am not lying to you.

When David got home last night I let David know the Policemen made sure to tell me how MOUTHY Charlie was and trust me I know this is true because he is the same way with me. Could I blame his age or his friends yes, I could but I also have to say it isn’t all that it’s my fault and David’s just as much as Charlies.

I let David know that I expected Charlie to not only go to the police Station and apologize to the Policemen but to go down to the School and apologize to the Security Guard. Because who ever was in the back of the school was threatening the Security Guard which is BUYLLYING. Which I will not deal with no, way no, how.

Charlie has refused because he says it wasn’t him and he doesn’t owe anyone a Apology and let me tell you this isn’t the Charlie I know or they way he was raised. Although, I am PROUD of Charlie who has told me to get a Lie Detector test down so we can see he isn’t LYING.

But it isn’t about LYING or who did what its BULLYIN and RESPECT and SAYING I’m sorry and no, it wasn’t me but my friends did this and I apologize and I’ve learned my lesson. I will not be hanging out with them anymore. Because this isn’t the way the LORD would want me to live my life.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates