Hello, it’s funny when Charlie and I were planning Lessons for Homeschooling. David walks away. Now, don’t get me wrong David knows Homeschooling during Covid-19 is the best thing for Charlie.
Charlie has suffers from anxiety and Panic Attacks. Like me Charlie can’t wear a mask for a lot time. I know if Charlie went to school after first hour the teachers would be calling as Charlie would refuse to put his mask on as he can’t BREATH. Just like me.

David did change the other day when Charlie and I were picking out books to read this year. While discussing what books would go with the Lessons we were planning to study. Or if the novels we chose would be for Free Reading time on Friday.
David saw me move Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race At Golden Lake over to the side of books we weren’t sure if we would be using or not. David picked up Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race At Golden Lake and asked Charlie why it was in the not sure pile.
Charlie explained to David we would be studying Mammals and Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race At Golden Lake would fit into the lesson plan but we weren’t done picking the books we would be using.
Then David said aren’t you studying animals? Charlie said yes, we would be sometime this year. David said will wouldn’t Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race At Golden Lake fit into that lesson plan. I said yes, but we hadn’t chosen books for it as of yet.
Finally David says well then I will read Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race At Golden Lake on Friday during Free Time because I like Frogs and wouldn’t mind learning about them.
Can you guess what Lesson Plan Charlie and I added to this years school lesson plan? Frogs and I’m going to let David teach that class.Which will get David involved in what Charlie is learning.
If you haven’t heard of Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race At Golden Lake I hope you take the time to check this children’s novel out real soon. Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race At Golden Lake a cute book both children and adults will enjoy.

Ted has a big race coming up the race at Golden Lake! Last year, he only placed seventh, but this year he’s hoping to win the whole thing. When Ted gets a little lost in the woods on the way to the race, he meets all sorts of new friends as they work together to help find his way back.
Once the race begins, Ted finds himself in a tough spot, and he must decide between going for gold or learning from the lesson his new friends have taught him and helping someone in need.
Join Ted in the second book of Scott McCall’s fun froggy series, Ted the Friendly Frog and the Race at Golden Lake, and learn how helping a friend can make you feel more like a winner than any trophy!
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates