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I would like to share a new book. Tech-Life Balance 101 Ways to Thrive in a Digital World is for you by Taino Bendz. I received a copy of the book in exchange for this review.

I may be the only person on the face of EARTH that wishes we could go back to simpler times of no, cell phone and Social Media. I hate trying to talk to someone and there always on there phones. Which I hate to admit is my husband and son. I do try and stress no, phones at the dinning room table they do not listen to me.
Don’t even get me started on going out to dinner and Charlie has his phone blaring YouTube. When I ask him to turn down the phone I get ugly looks and rude comments. I should just go and have dinner my myself. Then there is Social Media and yes, I do use it for work I try and limit how much I am on it. Although, for me I am more obsessed with the games on my phone.
I can and will leave my phone off while Charlie will not and at the moment David doesn’t have a cell phone because he dropped and broke his. Which is a good thing because no, he actually has to spend time talking to me which I appreciate. Through Tech-Life Balance 101 Ways to Thrive in a Digital World I’ve learned steps to use not only inn my own life but it our home, school, car and while out of our home.
I honestly believe this book can and will save marriages and help families reconnect in positive ways which we all need to do. I love how the Author not only gives us steps to use but questions to ask our families. if your a parent you should check out the section for Tech-Life Balance for Families- Kids which my family is reading and going over once a week.
Until we take our lives back and get use to the new boundaries I am setting which doesn’t happen overnight because it takes 21 days to break a bad habit. Which isn’t long at all and the steps can take as long or as little of time as you want. Inface we will be reading and using our book in Charlie’s Homeschool Reading Class. Then sharing what we learned with our friends and family.
Would you like to join us and read this book as a group and then we can help hold each other accountable? We could meet at my home once a week and no, your not allowed to bring any Electonic devices and all phones must be left at home. We can do a Potluck Dinner to share and just visit like in the olden day.
Bring a book or board game you would like to play. Before you ask no, the tv will not be on at all. Even though I live in a apartment the kids can get outside and walk. Or take a ball across the street and play on the Football Field. Or we can go on a Scavenger Hunt in our neighborhood and share with our neighbors this book and how its helped our families.
Tech-Life Balance 101 Ways to Thrive in a Digital World is for you
tech-life balance
also tech/life balance (noun)
using technology in a way that doesn’t
have a negative effect on your personal
life or relationships
(New York, NY): How often do you look at your phone? Does it feel like you can’t go five minutes without browsing social media, checking your email, or sending a text?
In the modern digital age, being connected 24/7 is more than a habit—it seems like a necessity. Tech-Life Balance tackles the very real issue of being addicted to our devices with 101 easy-to-implement life hacks to rein in your tech use, reclaim your life and achieve digital wellness.
With Tech-Life Balance, you’ll learn to:
• Set personal boundaries, designating specific spaces and times as “tech-free”
• Manage screen time and your social media presence to limit mindless scrolling
• Adopt productive work habits to stay focused and on-task
• Improve personal relationships by minimizing tech clutter
• Become healthier and more active, just by putting your phone away
• Identify tech-life balance promoting apps to help you organize your time
By following the practices in this book, you can improve your health, sharpen your focus and learn to experience life in a whole new way.
“I can’t think of a better guide for this than Taíno. He’s thought long and deep on the topic so you don’t have to. This book is the result. All change starts somewhere. Much of it starts small: you might find the situation and present challenges overwhelming, but you shouldn’t. Try things, learn, and-try again. I’ve found it a huge help in re-finding myself in the chaos of life today.” HECTOR HUGHES, co-founder of Unplugged
About the Author
Taíno Bendz is the founder of Phone Free Day and his own consulting business, and his message on mindful and intentional technology usage has reached and inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the world. He is a public speaker, workshop facilitator, and conducts research on digital technology usage. Taíno holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management and has spent the last 10 years working in technology sectors such as renewable energy, healthcare IT, and software automation. He currently lives in Sweden with his partner and two young sons.
Written by Taíno Bendz
Foreword by Hector Hughes
978-1-57826-966-2, $15.00 hardcover
978-1-57826-967-9, $8.99 ebook
Published by Hatherleigh Press.
Distributed through Penguin Random House.
Available wherever books are sold or at Hather Leigh Press
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates