Teaching March 2019

The Mommies Reviews

Can you believe March is already here? Time flies when you’re teaching fun topics! Here’s a list of what’s going on this month, along with some relevant historical events that’ll help get your kids excited. As always, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for updates on daily free topics and other teaching inspiration!

Kids Discover

March is National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month

“You are what you eat,” people often say, but what does that really mean? In our Unit on Nutrition, kids will discover how everything you put into your body affects its ability to move, grow, and live.
Popular Topics: The Digestive SystemWhat is the Study of Nutrition?
Free Infographic: Vitamins: Eating Your ABCs

March 1st – Yellowstone National Park Opens

March 1st - Yellowstone National Park Opens

On this day in 1872, Yellowstone National Park opened its gates to the public. Spanning across Wyoming, Montana, and Utah, it was the country’s first national park. In our Topic on National Parks, you’ll learn what it takes to preserve and protect some of America’s most stunning scenery and special places.
Related Units: DestinationsGeography
Related Topics: AlaskaCaves

March 3rd – World Wildlife Day

March 3rd - World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day is a perfect opportunity to teach kids about natural habitats around the world, how we can help protect them, and The Human Impact.
Related Units: EcologyConservationEndangered Species
Popular Topics: Animals of the Rain ForestWhat is an Endangered Species?

March 8th – International Women’s Day

March 8th - International Women’s Day

As part of National Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, and political achievements of women around the world.
Related Units: SuffragistsRevolutionary Women
Popular Topics: Highlights of the Suffrage MovementAnnie Smith Peck on Top of the WorldWomen and the Revolution

March 10th – Paper Money First Issued in the U.S. 

In 1862, the United States first released paper currency into circulation. From its origins almost 3,000 years ago as tiny coins in ancient Turkey, to today’s cashless transactions on the internet, our Unit on Money will allow kids to investigate its various forms and how it has evolved over time.
Related Units: ConstitutionEconomics
Popular Topics: Life Cycle of a Dollar BillMoney through the Ages

March 10th – Daylight Saving Time Begins 

On this day the evenings will grow an hour longer thanks to Daylight Savings Time. Although not everyone in the country honors DST, use these resources to help kids learn about time zones, geography, and the sun.
Related Units: GeographySunRegions of the North America
Popular Topics: Rotation, Revolution, and EclipsesLatitude, Longitude, and Time Zones
Cross Curricular Lesson Idea: Geography as Destiny
March 12th – Aztec New Year 

For the Aztecs, keeping track of time was key for both religious reasons and for planting crops. The ancient civilization measured time using the stars.
Popular Topics: The Aztec CalendarFun and Festival
Games and Activities to Teach about the Aztecs

March 20th – First Day of Spring 

Spring is right around the corner, and we can’t wait! Use this free webinar, where we’ll show you how to build custom units that weave together concepts in geography, ecology, and plants, and that include tons of interactive content that brings reading to life.
Related Units: EarthSunPlantsWeather
Popular Topics: Climate RegionsVegetation RegionsWarm and Cold Air Masses

March 22nd – World Water Day

March 22nd - World Water Day

World Water Day is intended to highlight the importance of freshwater, and to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Our Unit on Water will show what’s so amazing about this liquid, and why it is so essential to life on Earth.
Popular Topics: Why Water Is ImportantMaking Water Safe to Drink
Related Units: OceansWetlands

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates