Whether you’ve started already or are beginning this week, welcome back! School is officially in full-swing all across the country. We hope you had a great summer and are ready to make learning fun again this year! As we begin teaching in September I thought I would share Homeschool Resources from Kids Discover with you.

Charlie and my nephew Jason will be in school for there 3rd week when they return to school tomorrow. As they are our this Monday morning for Labor Day.
To kick off September, mark your calendars with these dates (and resources!) for teaching inspiration this month. If you have used these resources in your classroom let me know what you thought of them and why you felt that way.
September 1 – World War II Begins (1939)

September 6 – Pilgrims Depart for the New World (1620) |

It was almost 400 years ago that the first English Puritans, known today as the Pilgrims, left Plymouth, England for the New World. Teach kids about the rough journey they had on The Mayflower, and what life was like in Colonial America–for those who survived the trip.
SNEAK PEEK: Get a behind the scenes look at Kids Discover artist Ed Gabel as he designed the above graphic for this Unit!
September 16 – Mexican Independence Day

September 17 – Constitution Day

September 23 – Neptune Discovered (1846)
September 24 – Supreme Court of the United States Established (1789)

September 29 – World Heart Day

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates