Teaching February 2019 Although it’s the shortest month of the year, there’s no shortage of relevant and historical topics to enlighten students with this February! Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for daily updates on Free Topics and other inspiration. Introduce young learners to Civil Rights, and the protests, violence, and political upheaval that marked this period and continue to be relevant today. |
Topics include Defining Civil Rights, The Rise of Segregation, Heroes of the Movement, and more. Related Unit: Rosa ParksRelated Unit: Jackie Robinson Teaching February 2019 Although it’s the shortest month of the year, there’s no shortage of relevant and historical topics to enlighten students with this February! Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for daily updates on Free Topics and other inspiration. Teaching February 2019 |

February: Black History Month
February is Black History Month. In the U.S., we use this time to pay tribute to the generations of African Americans who’ve struggled against adversity to achieve great things and shape our nation, and to celebrate black history and culture today. Introduce young learners to Civil Rights, and the protests, violence, and political upheaval that marked this period and continue to be relevant today. Topics include Defining Civil Rights, The Rise of Segregation, Heroes of the Movement, and more.
- Related Unit: Rosa Parks
- Related Unit: Jackie RobinsonRelated Unit: Rosa Parks
- Related Unit: Jackie Robinson
- Related Unit: Rosa Parks
- Related Unit: Jackie Robinson
February 2 – World Wetland Day

World Wetlands Day occurs annually on February 2nd, marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on this date in 1971. Established to raise awareness about the value of wetlands for humanity and the planet, it was celebrated for the first time in 1997 and has grown remarkably since then. Most kids don’t know what wetlands are, but after reading this Unit, they’ll understand how pivotal wetlands are in regulating Earth’s climate and to the survival of many endangered species.
Unit Topic: Everglades
Unit Topic: Saving the Wetlands
February 11 – International Day of Women and Girls in Science

This day serves as an opportunity to promote the efforts and involvement of women and girls in science, and to bridge the industry’s gender gap. Today, we highlight and praise Catherine Wong–who invented an electrocardiogram test that can be performed using a simple cellphone, to aid the 2 billion people who don’t have access to modern conveniences. She’s just one of several young women who’re responsible for advancing various scientific fields at an early age. Download our free InfoPacket on 7 Amazing Teen Inventors for more inspiration, or check out the two Quick Reads below!
Quick Read: Istanbul Teen Creates Bioplastic From Bananas
Quick Read: Teen Inventors Create Anti-Texting Steering Wheel
February 12 – Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

Honest Abe celebrates his birthday this month. Teach students about Lincoln with this Unit, which describes this leader’s childhood, presidency, and legacy. Lincoln grew up in a fast-changing America, and as a boy, had seen enslaved African Americans and heard his father say it was wrong for one man to own another. This motivated him to make a difference in a country that was rapidly changing. Popular Topics in this Unit include Growing Up to Be President and America During Lincoln’s Time.
Cross-Curricular Resources: Games and Activities to Teach The Civil War
Print Title: Kids Discover Lincoln
February 14 – Valentine’s Day

Did you know the Heart is the only organ in the body with its own international holiday? From powerful pumps to the imagined seat of our emotions, the abilities of the human heart, are broken down here into seven colorful topics! Learn about the origins and meanings of this special day with our topics Valentine’s Day and Love and the Heart.
Free Infographic: The Human Heart
Print Title: Kids Discover The Heart
February 18 – President’s Day

Although this holiday is based around George Washington’s actual birthday, Presidents’ Day is an occasion to honor all persons who have served as president, not just Washington. Celebrate the legacies of U.S. Presidents in this Unit by taking a tour of our capital, Washington, D.C., and learn about its history, monuments, and notable figures. You can also reference our Unit on George Washington, to learn more about our first president--or take a step back and understand the intricacies of what it takes to obtain and maintain Presidency in our country.
Free On-Demand Webinar: Using Discover Map to Teach President’s Day
Print Title: Kids Discover Presidency
New Blog Post – Becoming An Instructional Technology Coach (Part II)

After a fantastic five years in fourth grade, Justin Birckbichler left the elementary classroom to move into a role as an instructional technology coach. With this transition in position comes a lot of changes. Justin is writing a series of three total posts called A New Year, A New Role: Becoming An Instructional Technology Coach, with the goal of sharing what helping him grow into his new opportunity. Make sure you check out his first blog post before reading this one, and stay tuned for the third and final post!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates