Taking The Fight To The Sources Of Sleep Issues

The Mommies Reviews

Disclaimer: The information provided below is intended for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health or well-being.

If you’re having trouble falling asleep in the night, or you find yourself waking up in the morning feeling like you’ve had practically any rest, then there’s a good chance that you could be experiencing sleep deprivation. A lot of people are not getting the sleep that they need, but when it starts getting out of control, it can affect your body and your psyche, as well.

Here, we’re going to look at some of the most common causes of sleep deprivation, as well as the steps that you can start to take to mitigate their effect on your life.

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Where you’re sleeping

First of all, take a look around the room that you’re trying to sleep in. Having electronics on, such as the TV, laptop, or PC shortly before bed or even while trying to get to sleep will expose you to blue light, which has been proven to keep us up for longer than we should be. Otherwise, you should look at the efforts you can take to soundproof the room and to keep light out, such as with blackout blinds, so that your sleep is less likely to get interrupted.

Don’t neglect your bed

The bed that you’re sleeping in can have just as much of an effect on how well you’re sleeping. For instance, start with the mattress. Choosing the right mattress is all about finding out how, exactly, you sleep. For instance, people who sleep on their side tend to sleep better on a softer mattress, while those who sleep on their back tend to prefer a firmer mattress, due to the way these different levels of softness support the points of contact. 

The nighttime routine

Taking a moment to relax and let things slow down before you get into bed can have a big impact on how well you sleep. If you from active and awake to lying still in bed moments later, it’s going to take you longer to get to sleep. A little bit of exercise at night, staying away from all monitors, and taking about half an hour to really get ready for bed can help your body begin to slow down, and you will start to feel naturally more tired as you’re not bombarding yourself with external stimuli.

Sleep and stress

Stress and sleep deprivation have a cyclical relationship. The more stressed you are, the more difficult it can be to find sleep, and vice versa. Take the time, especially in the evenings, to address any leftover stress from the day, whether it’s by engaging in mindfulness meditation, doing some yoga, or topping off the day with some CBD gummies. Of course, if you’re experiencing issues with chronic stress, then you might want to visit the doctor to take a more direct approach to addressing the issue. Your mental health is always worth the extra attention.

Acute health issues

If you have experienced some form of injury, lately, or you’re dealing with a new symptom, then it’s not unreasonable that you might find it getting in the way of your night’s sleep, either. Pain is one of the leading physical causes of sleep deprivation, and the right medications from your doctor can play a huge role in both managing pain but also getting you to sleep, just so long as you remember to mention it to them.

Chronic health issues

Aside from the injuries and symptoms that can get in the way of a good night’s sleep, there are also chronic health issues that can reduce your chances of a peaceful night. The most common chronic illnesses, cardiovascular disease and diabetes can affect your sleep. You might be one of the people more prone to sleep apnea, as well, which can be caused by all manner of things from abnormal shaping to the airways to obesity. If you cannot find any other clear causes, then you may want to consider visiting a sleep clinic, where they can run tests to help get down to the answer.

With the tips above, you might be able to find the cause (or more likely the causes) that are getting in the way of a good night’s sleep, as well as the tips you can take to solve them. Your health does depend on it.