March 21 National French Bread Day #NationalFrenchBreadDay

March 21st is National French Bread Day #NationalFrenchBreadDay. I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t mind having a slice of French Bread with Butter for a snack today . Before Charlie and David ask no, not Garlic Bread plain ol fashioned French Bread. Would you like to have a slice with me? Why you […]

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March 21 National California Strawberry Day #CaliforniaStrawberryDay

National California Strawberry Day falls on March 21st. You cab bet National California Strawberry Day is the perfect holiday for nutrition lovers to bask in the fruity deliciousness of one of the world’s favorite Fruits Strawberries! Come and join us as we celebrate a whole day dedicated to Strawberries? Not only does this yummy heart-shaped […]

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March 19 National Chocolate Caramel Day #ChocolateCaramelDay

March 19th is National Chocolate Caramel Day #ChocolateCaramelDay. I don’t know about you but my family is going to enjoy celebrating National Chocolate Caramel Day. This #Holiday will allow Charlie to have a Snickers. I think I will have a Turtle or two. Because calories don’t count today do they? Before you ask what about […]

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