Fredericksburg Fitness Studio Champions Heart Health Month

Transforming Lives Through Personalized Fitness and Nutrition Programs to Combat Heart Disease and Promote Lifelong Health FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia – (February 7, 2025) – February is American Heart Month, making it a great time to remind people about this critical issue. According to the National Institutes for Health, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the […]

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Feeling stressed? Make these changes to help find relief!

Fredericksburg Fitness Studio, a private personal training studio, is serving up stress-reducing tips FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia – (October 26, 2023) – November 1st is National Stress Awareness Day, making it a great time to put this critical issue in the spotlight. According to the American Psychological Association, half of all adults polled say they have been impacted by stress […]

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Tips for Affordable Snacking on the Go

Fredericksburg Fitness Studio, a private personal training studio, is helping families eat healthy this Summer FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia – (June 19, 2023) – Most people plan family trips in the Summer. Only this Summer is a little different because people are also mindful of the rising costs associated with travel and are making some adjustments accordingly. In fact, […]

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