People are living longer and longer. Someone turning 65 today can typically look forward to an additional 15 years or more of high-quality living! Centenarians are quickly becoming the fastest growing age-group, with more and more people are living into their 80s, and even their 90s. With this shift of demographic in mind, authors David Cravit and Larry Wolf are excited to share their insight on getting older without getting old in the soon-to-be released book SuperAging: Getting Older Without Getting Old, (April 2023).
“We’ve identified seven critical pillars that, collectively, enable you to switch from the narrow DefaultAging mindset to the wider, infinitely more exciting SuperAging lens,” says Cravit. “All are interrelated. All are synergistic. Each is necessary and each reinforces the others, building a complete SuperAging program. With the seven A’s, you’ll change from ‘manage the decline’ to ‘accomplish so much more.’”
SuperAging uncovers seven simple key components—Attitude, Awareness, Activity, Autonomy, Achievement, Attachment, and Avoidance—that teach us to turn the period after age 65 into one of the most productive and fulfilling times of life. From taking control of your health and health care to revolutionary ways of thinking about retirement, money, housing, and even relationships, you’ll discover how to make your seventies, eighties, nineties, and beyond some of the best years of your life. Why settle for getting old when you can thrive?
David and Larry have great info on:

- How to reinvent yourself well into your eighties and even nineties
- Why we should break the habit of slowing down as we approach retirement
- Life after 65—A Boomer’s guide to the best years ahead
- SuperAging – replacing the dominant model of DefaultAging
- Getting older without getting old
- Keeping independence for the SuperAgers
- The 7 A’s of aging – making a late life switch to live longer
- Life doesn’t end at 65 – An intimate look at where Boomers are spending their time
- Sixty is the new thirty: How to make the most of the next thirty years
- New medical discoveries – discussions to have with your doctor
- Changing your mindset on aging – is it all mental?
- Mental Health and the SuperAger
- SuperAgers on SuperAging
- SuperAgers – A revolution in political power
SuperAging: Getting Older Without Getting Old
About David Cravit
David Cravit has an established profile and track record, both as author of two previous books on the subject, as well as his ongoing role as an executive at ZoomerMedia, the only media company in Canada specializing in covering the “older” market. He is also a member of the Board of C.A.R.P., the largest and most influential association advocating for the rights and interests of Canadians as they age (equivalent to AARP).
His previous books are: The New Old, which described how the Baby Boomers are reinventing aging, and Beyond Age Rage, which examined the so-called “war of the generations” and outlined how it is already being solved by the (much-maligned) “older” generations.
David earned his BA in Political Science and Economics from the University of Toronto. He appears frequently on radio and TV as a respected commentator on aging and all the new trends and developments leading to a complete “reinvention” of what it means to be “older.” He has presented his findings to brand managers at such companies as Coca-Cola, General Mills and Diageo, and has spoken at professional conferences such as Nielsen 360.
About Larry Wolf
Larry Wolf’s expertise lies in new product branding and marketing communications. He has worked with a number of major corporations and governments on branding and communications issues. His latest project, reflected in this book, has been to identify the opportunity to positively brand aging itself.
His corporate clients have included Exxon, General Mills, Eli Lilly, HSBC and Scotiabank. Government clients have included New York State, the province of Ontario and the federal government of Canada. His political advertising ranges from two Canadian Prime Ministerial campaigns to the 2020 Miami Dade mayor election.
Larry built Wolf Group from a two-person consultancy into an international marketing communications agency with over 300 employees in six cities throughout North America. Along the way, he acquired and helped develop a number of companies including Asto, one of Canada’s leading yogurt brands which he sold to a major international food conglomerate.
Larry has lectured on advertising and marketing communications at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and at the University of Western Ontario. He has also written dozens articles for business journals and spoken frequently to business groups on marketing and communications.
Larry has served on many boards, including the National Advertising Review Board, the Huntsman program in international studies at the University of Pennsylvania, the Eye Research Institute of Canada, and has chaired the Canadian Glaucoma Research Society.
Larry has a BA in Psychology from Cornell University, and an MBA in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Connect with David and Larry:
LinkedIn: David Cravit
LinkedIn: Larry Wolf
Facebook: David Cravit