I miss the lazy Sunday Funday with David. It took us forever to get David off on the weekends and just when we got used to it he was laid off from Reyes where he had the weekends off.

Because David had such a hard time finding a job he went back to the Airport which I am so happy and blessed for but it meant David might be put on a Mid-Shift or a night shift but the lord blessed us with day time hours.
But David has to work on the weekends and is off on Monday and Tuesday which is fine because a lot of things we would like to do with Charlie isn’t as busy as the weekends.
Which means we miss a lot of things that happens early on the weekends but it’s okay because David is taking care of our family the best way he knows how to.
If its the LORDS will David will be off on the weekends as he may be going back to work for Reyes which also means more money and we will be able to catch up on the things were behind on.
I just PRAY if David does go back that he isn’t laid off again because he will never be able to go back to the Airport. Which I should be worrying about but I am not going to because I know the LORD knows our needs and he will take care of us always.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates