Charlie and I were BLESSED last weekend when my sister Debbie brought my Niece Lily and my Nephew Jason over to play Basketball with Charlie. Before David left for work the kids said they were Hungry and I was out of Lunch Meat and things for Sandwiches. Don’t forget to check out bands playing tonight near me.

As we tried to figure out what to feed the children David offered to take us to Olive Garden for lunch because all three of the kids love eating her. We loaded everyone into the Car. Before you ask if they knew were we were going they didn’t because we wanted to surprise the kids.
Charlie rode with his dad to Olive Garden because he had to leave from there for work. While I rode with Debbie. Lily and Jason loved having me with them but they missed Charlie and David. Before we even pulled into the Parking Lot of Olive Garden just from the area we were in the kids guessed were we were going.
We walked in and Debbie took Lily to the Restroom to wash her hands. While I waited outside for Jason to wash his hands in the men’s restroom. Then Jason and I went up to the Hostess Stand to let them know we needed a table for 6 people.
Jason and I were seated and ordered our drinks while we waited on the rest of our party. Having the little bit of one on one time with Jason was nice. I don’t usually get time with just Jason. Jason and I discussed what we wanted to eat and then everyone else arrived.
Our Waitress came and took our drink order. Then she brought the Bread Sticks and Butter out I asked for. I like how they ask if we want packs of Butter or Melted Butter and I prefer Melted Butter. What kind of Butter would you have wanted and do you use it on your Bread Sticks or not?
The waitress came and took everyone’s order and I was so proud of all the kids who waited patiently for there time to place there orders. We began with Jason who ordered a Kids Meal Spaghetti Noodles and Fettuccini Noodles with no Sauce and a Sweet Tea. I loved how the waitress offered to put Butter on the Noodles so they wouldn’t be dry.

Lily ordered Cheese Pizza and Grapes which is what she always ask for when we eat at Olive Garden. With a glass of Lemonade. I love how the Pizza is the perfect size for a child. Lily let me taste the Pizza and it had just the right amount of Cheese if I could I would order that for Charlie and I the next time we go.
Charlie, David, Debbie and I all ordered Unlimited Soup, Salad and Breadsticks. Charlie, David and I choose Chicken & Gnocchi Soup which is a creamy Soup made with roasted Chicken, traditional Italian Dumplings and Spinach.
The Dumplings are so yummy that I could eat them all day long but more than that I like the way the Broth taste and wish I had a bowl of it this morning. Even though there is Spinach in the Soup it doesn’t keep Charlie, David or I from eating this Soup.

Debbie ordered Pasta e Fagioli which has White and Red Beans, Ground Beef, fresh Tomatoes and Tubetti Pasta in a savory Broth. This is my second favorite Soup Olive Garden sells. Debbie let me have a taste of Pasta e Fagioli which was just as good as I thought the Soup would be.
Throughout our meal our waitress was never more than a couple feet away. Our glasses remained filled at all times. Bread Sticks and our Salad Bowl was never empty and before we could ask for To Go Glasses and Containers she brought them to us.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates