Stress Busting Challenge for Busy Moms

The Mommies Reviews

Just a quick note today about a event I plan on joining called the Stress Busting Challenge for Busy Moms. There is still time to join as the class starts Monday and I want you to be there.

I want you to be there for your kids with more capacity to be peaceful.

I want you to be there for yourself to protect your health (stress-related diseases aren’t a joke!).

I want you to be there to learn to master your stress, to reclaim your brain, and to transform your stress into fuel.

Who would have thought stress could be a GOOD thing?

I’m still wrapping my brain around that idea myself, but I’m fascinated to learn more from Katie:


Stress mastery is all about adjusting what we can control so that we’re more able to reduce the negative impacts of all that we can’t (so, so much).

Imagine if we could learn these strategies and even teach them to our kids so that they can better handle the curveballs of life!

Here’s hoping,

P.S. Don’t miss this event, totally no charge! Sign up now! 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates