Stories For My Grandchild

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for Stories for My Grandchild: A Grandmother’s Journal I was sent to review. I would like to let you know the thoughts in this review is mine and mine alone.

I’m so terrified I may not live to see my grandchildren being born because my mom died when she was in here 50’s. Yes, I know I’m telling my age but I am there as well.

Being a older mom when Charlie was born he is only 11 now we have a while until Charlie will think of having a child of his own. Which means David and I may not be around.

To make sure Charlie remembers me and stories from my life he would be able to share with his children. I will be able to give Charlie
Stories for My Grandchild which is published by a Author and Blogger Honey Good.

I just I had knew about Stories for My Grandchild when my mom was here because she could have filled Stories for My Grandchild out for Charlie. Charlie could have shared Stories for My Grandchild with my niece and nephew who doesn’t remember my mom.

Once David saw Stories for My Grandchild David asked me if his mom would be able to have Stories for My Grandchild. I said no, I was going to fill Stories for My Grandchild out for Charlie’s children.

I let David know he should order a copy of Stories for My Grandchild for his mother for Mother’s Day. Then I let David know I planned on ordering a copy for my sister to share with Charlie.

Before you ask no, Charlie isn’t Debbie’s grandson but this way Charlie would have two different accounts of things our family did and having Debbie fill out a book as well will allow Charlie to learn about his Aunt Debbie as a child and he can share the book with Debbie’s grandchildren Lily and Jason.

Charlie and I sat down to look through Stories for My Grandchild. Charlie and I loved the illustrations and the sayings or quotes they have printed inside.

I’m printing out the pages and changing mom to dad so David and his dad and my father can create a book for Charlie about there lives which Charlie can share with his children.

Stories For My Grandchild Published by Honey Good

There was a book marker inside Stories for My Grandchild which I have sitting on my desk to remind me everyday to write in Stories for My Grandchild. I have been having Charlie read the prompts to me.

My hands have been shaking a lot and writing is hard for me Charlie help me fill in Stories for My Grandchild and working together has brought us closer together. I’ve been able to share things with Charlie about my life he didn’t know.

Using Stories for My Grandchild Charlie is able to practice his reading, writing and spelling. Then other day Charlie asked me if I could help him create other novels like Stories for My Grandchild to give to his sisters and brothers so Charlie could get to know them better.

All I can say about Stories for My Grandchild is I was BLESSED when I was asked to review Stories for My Grandchild and Stories for My Grandchild has changed our lives in so many ways. I can’t wait to see if Honey Good publishes other novels because I would like to purchase them as well.


Stories for My Grandchild is a keepsake journal for the twenty-first-century grandmother. It contains writing prompts that that are tailored to capture a contemporary woman’s life: her family history, memories, values, and personality.

Conceived by Honey Good, grandmother to a blended family of twenty-five grandchildren, the prompts in this journal are written from the perspective that every woman follows her own path in life.

Her grandchildren will love knowing how she amused herself as a child, what dating was like when she was a teenager, and how she navigated challenges and opportunities throughout adulthood. 

Stories for My Grandchild is a hardcover with a cloth spine, foil-stamped case, and features stylish watercolor artwork throughout. It is the perfect Mother’s Day gift, baby shower gift, or birthday present for the discerning grandmother.

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Susan "Honey" Good
Susan “Honey” Good


Meet Susan “Honey” Good: Wife, mother, grandmother, writer, adventurous traveler, and published author. reflects Honey’s upbeat philosophy of celebrating a woman’s life after 50. But, most of all, it is a forum that turns hundreds of thousands of readers into GIRLFRIENDS.

Honey is the wise GIRLFRIEND you wish you had – dispensing advice on relationships, life’s joys (and sorrows), makeup, fashion, and living to the fullest. Honey’s daily musings arrive daily in your inbox, a gift to be first anticipated, then unwrapped and finally savored.

Years ago, Honey started a book hoping it would help her find a new purpose in life. Feeling the need to open up her thoughts to others, Honey soon turned her book into a website.

Her life stories and musings immediately resonated with women 50 and over, from all walks of life. In Honey’s storytelling, they found echoes of their own experiences. Her heartaches and over-the-top joys mirrored their own. Honey became their friend and confidante.

Today, and its related social media sites are a community of kindred spirits where Honey and her female readers interact, share, give each other support, and celebrate life after 50.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates