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I would like to share the latest addition to our Halloween Gift Guide 23: Sticker Dolly Dressing Halloween: A Halloween Book for Kids. I received in exchange for this review and a spot in our Gift Guide.
I will share a tidbit from my childhood with you. When I was growing up we had paper dolls and no, they weren’t sticker dolls. We would cut them out of magazines of brown paper bags. Most of the time there clothes was ones we colored. Once in a while my parents would by me a paper doll book and we had to use Scotch Tape to keep there clothes on them. Did you have to do this as well?
Fast forward to today and when my nieces are playing with Paper Dolls a lot of times they use magnets or stickers like in this book I received to share with you. Are these as much fun as I had as a child yes they are because I get to share them with my niece and even Charlie plays with us sometimes. Just don’t tell anyone he said. LOL
The front of the book has a pretty green background with two girls on the front. One with a bowl of candy I wish I could have some of. Once is a Bat and one a Spider and no, neither of them are scary. Running your hands over the book you can feel the dots and stars which feels good to my fingers.
Did you see the Kittens? How about the Spider and the Pumpkins? Look at the back of the book, The girls has changed outfits. Charlie likes the skeleton outfit and I liked the Ghost. I wish I had a pair of striped pants like she has. Look balloons and a Halloween tree like I wish I had.
Inside the book shows us the other books in the series I wish I had Fairy Picnic and I know Lily would like to have Unicorn Rescue. Charlie said if he has to play he would like to have Baby Dragon this his dad and Jason might sticker dolls with us. What do you think?
There is a table of contents inside the book so we will know what to look for. Charlie and I couldn’t wait to check out Busy Baking which he can use in his homeschool cooking class. David said he could use a nap so he would like time for bed stickers. He is a party pooper.
For Music Class Charlie could use Halloween concert. Or would you like to take a walk in the woods? We can bring our Dogs. In the baking section it’s Cassie’s Birthday. We should make some Cupcakes Would you like to help? Look at all of the stickers in the back of the book were going to be able to play for days on end.

Dress the sticker dollies in a range of Halloween costumers in this spooky addition to the Sticker Dolly Dressing series. There are lots of stickers with which to dress the dolls in brilliant costumes and accessories, and decorations to complete the magical scenes.
Extent: 44 pages Additional details :20 pages of stickers Dimensions:9.4 x 12.0inPaperback (direct sales) ISBN:9780794551162 Publication Date: August 2020Work Reference:06038

An Editorial Director and writer at Usborne Publishing. She graduated from Exeter University with a Bachelor of Education in Art and Design. She taught for three years at a primary school in Kent, before spending two years at a British school in The Netherlands.
She started working at Usborne in 1989 and has written and edited hundreds of books including baby and novelty, sticker, art and craft, cookery, Science and activity books. She has written all the titles in the award-winning THAT’S NOT MY® series and many in the highly successful Sticker Dolly Dressing series. She is the sixth biggest-selling UK children’s author, with over 10 million of her books sold in the UK since records began.
Find out more about Fiona Watt
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates