Sterling Goods BEER 54 Illustrated Playing Cards in Tin Box

The Mommies Reviews

Finding Father’s Day Gifts for David is hard because David says there isn’t anything he want’s, Iif there is then David purchases the items for himself before Charlie and I can. This time I found Sterling Goods BEER 54 Illustrated Playing Cards in Tin Box which is the perfect Gift for David.

David loves playing Rummy. To get David involved in helping with Charlie’s Homeschool Classes David can teach Charlie not only Rummy but Poker which will count for our series in #HomeschoolWithBoardGames.

Image 1 - Sterling Goods BEER 54 Illustrated Playing Cards in Tin Box - Bell & Curfew- NEW

Before you ask me isn’t this a Family Friendly Blog why would you showcase BEER on your website and its because there is nothing wrong with Beer look in the Bible if you don’t believe me.

Then you may ask why would I let my husband teach my son to play with a set of playing cards that represents BEER and yes, it says Beer but that could be Rootbeer which Charlie and David drink together.

Not only that were not condoning Children drink I’m just finding ways to get my son and husband to spend time together. While getting David involved in Charlie’s studies.

Before you ask why would I want David to teach Charlie to play Poker it isn’t to Gamble but in Poker you have to be able to count and Charlie would learn math skills while having guy time with his dad.

You might just find me playing Poker or 21 with them sometimes. If you want to play cards with me I prefer Crazy 8 while Charlie likes Goldfish. What game do you like to play and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates