In Homeschool just like Public School there are certain supplies we run out of over and over. One of those things in our classroom is pencils. As they get used up, we loose them or the dogs chew them up. Does this happen in your classroom? If so I would like to introduce you to Sprout World’s Pencils.

Imagine giving a gift that can live for 100 years or more. The idea of the plantable Sprout pencil is to plant it when it becomes too short to write with, thus giving new life to an end-of-life product that you would otherwise throw in the bin.
Sprout World’s pencils are available with 10 different seeds that grow into Vegetables, Flowers and Herbs. And now the Sprout pencil can also turn into a Tree. Thus, the circle is complete: Trees become pencils, which can then grow into Spruce Trees. Evergreen conifers that absorb CO2 and give us Oxygen as they grow.
And recently they have launched an innovative beauty product—the world’s first plantable eye and brow liner!

These are the only liners in the world with a capsule at the end with seeds so it can be planted after use and grown into Wildflowers. The patented liner is AC-tested (allergy-friendly), with a natural formula, free of microplastics, and is added with natural Oils that are good for the skin.
About Sprout World:

Sprout was founded in 2013 by Michael Stausholm with a mission to inspire more sustainability in everyday life. The company has 30 employees and offices in Copenhagen and Boston. Sprout has sold over 40 million plantable Sprout pencils in more than 80 Countries. Brands that use Sprout pencils include Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Ikea, Marriott, WWF and Michelle Obama. Private consumers can buy plantable Sprout pencils on Amazon and through Sprout’s webshop.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates