Sprayed by David Dabbs (Review)

Sprayed by David Dabbs (Author)

I wanted to read Sprayed because the plot intrigued me and reminded me of the Crim shows Davis and I watch on TV. I knew the cover of the book would capture David’s attention. I sat down and began to read the story and ended up read the book at night with my husband. We both enjoyed the plot a lot and can’t wait to read other books from this Author.

Inside the book is suspense and drama. If you were to ask me what genre of book this is both David and I said a Criminal Novel. If your like and don’t care for bugs I would like to let you know the characters work for a pest control company as they plan a major crime set to take place in Chicago.

About the book:

With the crowds descending on downtown Chicago for the annual St. Patrick’s Day festivities, there is no better time for Donny, Jack and the crew to pull off a heist that will set them up for good. Jack, a new criminal and Donny, a veteran of the game, team up for one of the most unforgettable heists in the City’s history.

Under the guise of one of the largest pest control companies in the city, the guys attempt a heist that draws the attention of multiple law enforcement agencies.

Meet the Author: David Dabbs (Author)

David Dabbs is a novelist and creative fiction writer. His debut novel, Sprayed, is set for release in fall 2024. He is a Maryland native who loves to travel.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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