SOS and Fried Taters

The Mommies Reviews

Now, before you say what is SOS and Fried Taters or that isn’t proper English your right but it sure was good. I would offer you some but charlie ate all the Fried Taters and I finished off the SOS for lunch.

For those of you who was in the Military you know what SOS is. I am not sure if this is true or not but my parents told us when we was children SOS stands for Shit On The Shingles.

To keep Charlie and Suzzie from using words I didn’t approve of I have always called this meal SOS. When my dad would visit he would ask if I would make it because my sister and brother didn’t like it.

My sister Debbie says she thinks its because we ate SOS a lot as kids because it was something my parents could afford to make a lot of. Just like Eggs which Debbie doesn’t care for.

What is SOS Cream Gravy with Hamburger Meat cooked together. I like having Mashed Potatoes with SOS and I put the Mashed Potatoes on my plate and add the SOS on top.

Or I will use Light Bread and scoop SOS on top of the bread. My parents would toast the bread they used a lot of the time and I have to but I prefer Light Bread.

David likes Homemade Pan Fries with SOS and puts SOS on top of the Fries. I eat the Fries by themselves even though I prefer the Mashed Potatoes because this is what my parents would serve with SOS.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates