Sorgho Squad Chapter 3: The Milo Mystery (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a fantasy or super-natural or anime book with you which is called Sorgho Squad Chapter 3: The Milo Mystery by  Nate Blum (Author), Jordan Scribner (Illustrator) I received for a review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage off the items you purchase.

Life is funny I had this book set on the coffee table to read through this week when David picked it up and said he liked the cover and wouldn’t mind reading the story. Which is funny because I had gotten the book for Charlie who has so much for Christmas while David has next to nothing. The LORD helped me with another gift for

David. Be watching after Christmas for a review from David because I’m not sure if I will read the book or not as I’m wanting Charlie and David to help out more on the blog and giving David a copy of Sorgho Squad Chapter 3: The Milo Mystery gives him the opportunity to get his feet wet in reviewing along with Charlie.

About the book:

Professor Sorgho and Alice Atlas are on a mission to reunite the Sorgho Squad, and ancient grain super-team equipped to help solve some of the modern world’s biggest problems. After finding Jowar in the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Mashilla in the Lalibela, Ethiopia, the team is only missing one more member. Can they solve The Milo Mystery in time?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates