It’s pretty sad when you ask other friends, family #Bloggers to join you in a challenge and your three yes, count’em there days behind. But you know what it’s okay because the LORD had other plans for my family and now were back.

I would like to invite you to join us in the Song of the Day Challenge #songofthedaychallenge I came up with. Each day in the challenge you will be given a prompt to find a song with a certain item in the song. Then your to share a song featuring that days prompt.
If your Homeschooling your children you can do the #songoftheday challenge during Music class. Which is what Charlie and I will be doing for our Music class.
Here are the prompts:
Day one: A song you like with a colour in the title
Day two: A song you like with a number in the title
Day three: A song that reminds you of a Summertime Day
four: A song that reminds you of someone you love
Day five: A song that needs to be played loud
Day six: A song that makes you want to dance
Day seven: A song to drive to
Day eight: A song about school
Day nine: A song that makes you happy
Day 10: A song that makes you sad
Day 11: A song you never get tired of
Day 12: A song from your pre-teen years
Day 13: A song you like from the 70’s
Day 14: A song you’d love to be played at your wedding
Day 15: A song you like that’s a cover by another artist
Day 16: A song that’s a classic favorite
Day 17: A song you’d sing a duet with someone on Karaoke Day 18: A song from the year you were born
Day 19: A song that makes you think about life
Day 20: A song that has many meanings to you
Day 21: A song you like with a person’s name in the title
Day 22: A song that moves you forward
Day 23: A song you think everybody should listen to
Day 24: A song by a band you wish were still together
Day 25: A song you like by an artist no longer living
Day 26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
Day 27: A song that breaks your heart
Day 28: A song by an artist whose voice you love
Day 29: A song you remember from your childhood
Day 30: A song that reminds you of yourself
31 A Song about Friendship
Not one to let Moss grow under our feet I know in June I’m creating a Color of the Day Challenge. Which will allow me to work on my Photography Skills. Charlie will be participating and using the prompts/ colors of the day for his #Homeschooling Art class.

Leave a comment if you would like to join in.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates