I wanted to share a children’s book with you which will be inside our Christmas Gift Guide 24: Snort The Christmas Dragon by Rene Allen Mack (Author), Natasha Wescoat (Illustrator). I received in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the link and make a purchase I will make a small percentage off the items you purchase.

Both Charlie and Suzzie love Dragons and New York while I love Christmas which makes Snort The Christmas Dragon the perfect #Christmas book to add to our Christmas Library of books we read each year. That one day Charlie will pass down to his own children.
The Dragon on the book is so cute and mischievous looking like he is trying to decide what to do. Look at all the children laughing. I don’t know about you but I would like to be with them outside under those Christmas bells.
The book looks like a paperback but also feels like hard-back book. I like how the Author has included a cover we can slip off to keep it from getting messed up. Inside we lean about the Author and the Illustrator. Charlie thought it was neat to have the book dedicated to her son.
The Author introduces us to Manhattan, New York and Rockefeller where the Christmas Tree stands which I wish I could visit. How about you? The Dragon wakes up sad because he has no, one to celebrate the Holidays with.
One day he decides to change things and goes for a walk past the Staten island Ferry to Harlem. Another place I would like to visit. He ends up in an empty Post Office. The Dragon finds letters written to Santa and he wonders about things back then compared to today.
The Dragon decided to snort and see if he could get Santa’s attention. Santa saw what was happening and he went to the Post Office. To see what happens next you will need to purchase a copy of Snort The Christmas Dragon
About the book:
NEW YORK, 2024– My son was scared of those only-in-New York orange and white “chimneys” releasing steam into the air found on the streets and sidewalks. Many a hard-core or real New Yorker can’t tell you what they are, but they are only found in Manhattan and only below 96 Street on the West Side, and 89th Street on the East Side.
A new delightful and whimsical holiday children’s book tells all, given those “Steam Stacks,” as the are officially called are as much of the holiday scene as everything else in New York this time of year. Titled Snort: the New York Christmas Dragon and available on Amazon Books for $5, it’s the tale of a very little, but very old dragon that lives under the layers of Manhattan, under the rumbling subways, water pipes, electric lines, old forts of New Amsterdam and the Native American villages that once populated the island.
All that steam, from that little dragon, has to be released into the air somehow, and hence the steam stacks. How the lonely dragon finds friends, helps people of all ages and contributes to a society where everyone is not the same is to be found in the beautifully illustrated book.
Written by René A. Mack, a native New Yorker who resides in New Jersey, and illustrated by Natasha Wescoat, the colorful picture book hits electronic newsstands this week. Visit this LINK.
About Those Steam Stacks
They are used by Con Ed to vent steam into the air when the utility company is working on the pipes. There are about 105 miles of main pipes, 3,000 manholes and the steam serves about 1,800 buildings. And steam is amazingly clean and effective. So, in one of the world’s most modern cities, steam is used mostly for heat, but it is also used by laundries and even to sterilize hospital equipment. And because the temperature of the steam is around 350 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s also used to cool building via the amazing technology of absorption refrigerators.