SneakPeek Early DNA Test! is the most accurate early gender DNA test on the market. With clinically-proven 99.9% accuracy at 8 weeks into pregnancy, families can know their baby’s gender from the comfort of their homes as little as 72 hours after placing their order.
SneakPeek is the leading provider of early gender DNA tests, trusted by over 400,000 moms and obstetricians. These blood tests allow soon to be parents the opportunity to find out their baby’s gender months earlier than other methods.
Additionally, with the SneakPeek At-Home Early DNA Traits Test now you can know what your baby will look like as an adult, nutrition levels and sleep behavior, sooner than ever before, as predicted by his or her genes.
An easy swab of your child’s mouth is all it takes! 25+ DNA-based trait reports on Physical Features, Nutrition & Taste and Sleep Behavior.

SneakPeek At-Home Early Gender Prediction Test
Discover your baby’s gender as early as 8 weeks into pregnancy – weeks to months earlier than any other clinically-proven method – from the comfort of your home.
Know if you’re having a baby boy or girl as little as 72 hours after placing your order. Accuracy guaranteed! Earlier than an ultrasound and more accurate than a urine test, this at-home gender prediction test easily helps expectant parents determine their child’s gender.
You’ll know if you’re having a boy or girl weeks to months ahead of schedule, so you can prepare for your little one and share with family and friends.
The SneakPeek gender test is the perfect way for expectant parents to get a head start on their gender reveal party, decorate their baby girl or boy’s room early, or feel more connected to their baby during pregnancy. Learn your baby’s gender today!
How It Works: Three easy steps, all from the comfort of your home:
- Order the gender prediction kit online: SneakPeek will send the gender prediction test kit straight to your mailbox. With SneakPeek Standard, your gender determination test will arrive in 2-3 business days. With SneakPeek FastTrack, it can arrive as fast as 1 business day.
- Take your DNA sample: Follow the SneakPeek baby gender predictor instructions to provide 7-10 drops of blood from the comfort of your home. Then, mail your sample back to SneakPeek Labs in the pre-paid package.
- Get your gender results: Is it a baby boy or girl? SneakPeek will send your genetics analysis report by email. With SneakPeek Standard, it will arrive the day after they receive your sample at SneakPeek Labs. With SneakPeek FastTrack, find out your baby’s gender the same day!
- $79 for SneakPeek Standard (Results in 5-7 days)
- $149 for SneakPeek FastTrack (Results in 72 hours)
The Science Behind The Product: The SneakPeek gender prediction test is based entirely on Science. SneakPeek is a DNA-based test that looks for male chromosomes in the fetal DNA found in mom’s blood.
If male chromosomes are present, the baby is a boy. If none are found, it’s a baby girl. The gender predictor test is 99.9% accurate at 8 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy.

SneakPeek At-Home Early DNA Traits Test
Now you can know what your baby will look like as an adult, nutrition levels and sleep behavior, sooner than ever before, as predicted by his or her genes. An easy swab of your child’s mouth is all it takes! 25+ DNA-based trait reports on Physical Features, Nutrition & Taste and Sleep Behavior.
- Physical Features: These trait reports outline the physical features your child is likely to have in adulthood as predicted by genetics. The reports also include background information and fun facts about each physical trait.
- Nutrition & Taste: These trait reports provide your child’s BMI and likelihood of vitamin deficiencies as indicated by your child’s DNA. SneakPeek also provides tips and advice to help your child live the healthiest life, personalized for each different trait .
- Sleep Behavior: These trait reports predict your child’s sleep duration, efficiency, latency, and chronotype, based on his or her genetic code. SneakPeek also provide tips and advice tailored for the age of your child, to help everyone in the family attain the best sleep possible.
How It Works:Easy as 1,2,3 – All from the comfort of your home. No needles or blood, just a swab of your child’s mouth.
- Order: Choose one of the Traits reports packages. The swab kit is the same for all packages and typically arrives in about 3 business days. Shipping is free.
- Swab: Rub the inside of your child’s mouth with a swab to provide a DNA sample – everything you need is included in the kit. Mail it back to SneakPeek Labs in the prepaid return box.
- Learn: In just 2-3 weeks, SneakPeek will send an email letting you know your reports are available in your secure, private portal. Simply log in to start discovering more about your unique child.
- $79 for Basic – Physical Features
- $159 for All Traits – Physical Features + Nutrition & Taste + Sleep Behavior
The Science Behind The Product: These rigorous reports use the most current genomic studies, for results you can trust.
- SneakPeek’s team of geneticists and genetic counselors use robust, Scientifically-validated studies to develop reliable reports
- Genotyping, which detects the genetic differences that lead to their individual traits, is a well-recognized and widely used DNA analysis method
- Personalized DNA reports are written by a team of health and nutrition experts and based on established medical research

SneakPeek Clinical Early Gender DNA Test Clinical lets you learn your baby’s gender as soon as the next day. Visit a participating location (which can be found on the SneakPeek website to have your blood drawn on site, and receive results via email the next day, with no extra fuss!
How It Works:With SneakPeek Clinical, medical professionals will administer the blood draw and submit your sample back to our labs for you.
- Find a location near you: Schedule your appointment directly with a participating location.
- Have your blood drawn on-site: A phlebotomist will take your blood DNA sample and mail it to SneakPeek Labs for analysis.
- Get results emailed to you as soon as next day: SneakPeek Labs offers the fastest turnaround times in the industry, so you can learn gender as soon as the following day.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates