When David and I got Engaged I was so excited I would have more family to spend time with. David has two brothers Mike his middle brother and one of my best friends in High School.

Bo his young brother I didn’t know that well but wanted to get to know more and to be a part of his daughters Meghan’s life. As well as friends with his wife Sandy.
Mike and Lynn created our Wedding Cake and Mike was one of David’s best men in our Wedding. We spent a lot of time in there home until they moved and Lynn got sick.
Now she is bed ridden and only gets out once a week. We don’t see her as much as I would like. Lynn, has always loved Red Birds and while we was shopping the other day I found this Swing.
I would like to purchase it for Lynn for her front porch. I’m just afraid she wouldn’t get to use the swing and it might make her sad. Since my mother in law needs a new swing I’m thinking I will purchase it for her.
Charlie and my mother in law enjoying feeding the Birds in her yard and they would have a nice place to sit and watch the birds eat there dinner. Or just to hang out and chat.
Charlie also thinks we should get this swing for our home but now that my dad has passed away I am Praying I can get the swing in his front yard which I used to sit on when I would visit my dad.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates