Single-hung Vs. Double-hung Windows

The Mommies Reviews

Single-hung Vs. Double-hung Windows

As a homeowner, there may come a time when you decide to replace your old windows. The reason behind this could be energy loss, decreased safety, or increasing water damage. Whatever the case, replacing old windows with new ones can be challenging. The market is brimming with window styles, making it difficult to make the right choice. This article will cover two major window styles so you can decide the type that will best fit your homestyle. 

Single-hung Windows

Often considered to be the standard in homes and apartments, single-hung windows are quite popular. These windows have a bottom sash or panel, which moves vertically, while the upper panel remains stationary. When the window is opened, the bottom panel partially covers the top sash. 

These windows are popular because of their initial low cost. Most homeowners opting for multiple windows, usually prefer single-hung windows or a mix of both to lower their initial costs. 

The advantage of using single-pane windows is that the initial cost is pretty low. So, if you’re planning to get a lot of windows installed in your home, these could be a good choice. In single-hung windows only the bottom panel of the window opens, ensuring optimum ventilation for your home. However, if you want an extremely airy home, you might look for double-pane windows. For instance, if you want to place a single-hung window in the bathroom where moisture levels are high, you may not get as much ventilation as double-pane windows. In other areas of the home, however, single-hung windows work just as well.

One reason why people prefer double-hung over single is the fact that cleaning the latter is a little difficult. In most cases, single-hung windows have to be cleaned from the outside. If in case the window is placed higher up on the wall, homeowners may have to hire someone to do the job. However, if windows are reachable, you won’t face any difficulty cleaning them.

Double-hung Windows

The only difference between double and single-hung windows is that the former allows homeowners to open both panels. In these windows, both sashes can slide up or down while remaining independent of each other. The sashes remain close to the wall even when opened. 

The ability to open both sashes makes double hung windows, an excellent option for homeowners looking for better airflow. Apart from this, cleaning these windows is a lot easier and doesn’t require any professional help. 

While their higher initial cost may be off-putting for homeowners, the long term benefits make up the difference. In most cases, homeowners save a lot more by opting for windows with double-hung panels. These windows also feature low profile locks that secure both sashes to provide an air-tight fitting. Coupled with energy-efficient glass, these windows can also save homeowners from paying high electricity bills.

Advantages of Single Vs. Double

  • Style: Both windows feature the same unique design.
  • Cost: Single-hung windows usually cost less than double-hung windows.
  • Cleaning: Both windows can be cleaned easily unless placed higher up on the wall
  • Panel Features: The top panel in single-hung windows is stationary, while both sashes move independently in double-hung windows.
  • Ventilation: Both windows provide ventilation. Since double-hung windows have two panels that can open, they tend to provide more ventilation than their counterpart. 

Replacing windows can be a challenging task. However, there are ways in which you can ensure you get the right style for your home. For instance, if you’re facing issues with ventilation, you should opt for a window that offers better airflow. Similarly, if you want to place windows in your kids’ room, you may want to opt for a single-hung window that doesn’t offer a large opening. 

A few other factors that will ensure you make the right choice are lifetime warranty and glass quality. When buying any window, ensure that it comes with energy-efficient glass. While initially, you may have to pay extra, the long-term benefits of this decision will outweigh the cost. Your home will not leak out any heat, resulting in lower electricity bills.

Another thing to consider when spending money on windows is the warranty. Most contractors offer a lifetime warranty that lasts over 25 years. An important point to note here is that ‘lifetime’ in this context means the life of the window. Similarly, it would be best if you asked whether or not the service provider gives a transferable warranty. Doing this will ensure an increase in marketability if in case you decide to sell your home in the future.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates