She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary

The Mommies Reviews

I thought I would share a self-help book for women called She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary by Andrea Liebross, (Author) which I received a copy of the book in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage off the items you purchase.

As Charlie gets older now that he has graduated from High School in May. I’ve been struggling with my blog. In the past I felt successful. Then COVID Happened and things came to a halt including the world. Before Covid my family were always attending movies, plays and events. Reviews where coming in steadily. Then last year finally I was making money and able to help David. No, we weren’t getting rich but some months my blog was what kept us going. I was even able to hire my first full-time employee. Thank the LORD.

Now it’s 2024 and I feel like I’m starting from scratch events aren’t happening, paid post have dwindled to almost nothing. Reviews are mostly books which I’m thankful for but it isn’t what we need. Most days I feel like throwing in the towel because I started the blog to be able to stay home with Charlie but now Charlie is old enough to be home alone and will be going to work soon.

Charlie doesn’t need me to help with school work. David doesn’t need me at home because he cooks and cleans so I can work on my site. The more I sit at my computer the more frustrated I become. It’s time for things to change. I’m placing my life in GOD’s hands because I know he will lead me where he wants me and because I don’t want to give up my blog I pray he shows me a way to rebuild and grow while allowing me to help David out.

Every day is a struggle to get up and do what I need to do on the site. Depression has seemed to sit in. I am always tired and end up on the couch at-napping. My weight is out of control and its time to take my life back. I sat down and read She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary I felt like I was talking to a friend and she was sent to help me get back on track.

The ladies in the book are all successful but they didn’t overwhelm me. I learned a lot from them, Through the Author and these women I’ve found my passion for my blog again. Please help me thank to the Author. No, matter what the LORD has in store for me with She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary I know I can and will turn things around. I will grow and be able to help my husband as long as I take baby steps and don’t give up.

I hope you take the time to read She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary which is for women but men can learn from this book as well and as Charlie ventures into the workforce I plan on sharing this book with Charlie because Charlie and David own there own business as well and I want them to succeed.

About the book:

You’re stuck … and you’re frustrated.

You want growth, but the next step isn’t clear. Your inner voice nudges you to do more, but you aren’t sure what or how. Or maybe your priorities constantly fight for your attention, and you always feel behind.

The thing you want most is movement — toward more time, money, energy, brain power, or simply the enjoyment that’s supposed to come from having your own business. You’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work.

Andrea Liebross has discovered that the secret to getting unstuck iswhat you think, not what you do.

It’s time to stop playing small and start Thinking Big.

In this book, Andrea helps you:

  • Get to the heart of your “stuck stress” and move forward with ease.
  • Create a plan, a new mindset, and improved systems that support all your priorities.
  • Embrace the challenges that come from your success.

If you’re ready to take charge of the mess and move forward in your entrepreneurial adventure, this book is for you.

Andrea Liebross is a business and life coach known for working with unapologetically ambitious entrepreneurial women from various industries. A speaker and host of the Time to Level Up podcast, Andrea guides her clients to combine Big Thinking with solid systems to unleash their success and find the freedom of time, money, and energy they crave.

Meet the Author: Andrea Liebross,

Andrea Liebross, a certified business and life coach, specializes in empowering female entrepreneurs to infuse thinking with action so they can drop the drama and figure out how to think like a CEO, manage like a CEO and believe in themselves to achieve success in their business and at home.

Celebrated for her transformative work with unapologetically ambitious women, helping translate their visions into tangible accomplishments, Andrea is the author of the new book, She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and into the Extraordinary, launching September 26, 2023.

Andrea is dedicated to implementing systems and strategies that lead to sustainable and meaningful success. She possesses the unique ability to decipher complex situations and shed light on the broader perspective, one that transcends business politics and tedious responsibilities. Her focus is on guiding women toward their highest potential, free from the constraints of traditional norms, to achieve a coveted balance of time, financial prosperity, and boundless energy.

Beyond her coaching, Andrea is a dynamic speaker and the engaging host of the Time to Level Up podcast, where she works to help listeners create a plan to have a profitable and successful business.

Andrea’s journey towards becoming a seasoned coach and author was preceded by her graduation from Dartmouth College and marrying the guy who lived down the hall. Together, they make Indianapolis their home, all while raising two kids and two giant Leonbergers.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates