September National Childhood Obesity Month Honored with Kids’ Healthy Living Downloadable e-Books Under

The Mommies Reviews

Digital version of award-winning paperback offered at lowest price ever to help drive awareness—and highly accessible ‘real, immediate and tactical’ solutions—to address this important societal issue.

In honor of September National Childhood Obesity Month, the award-winning illustrated fictional children’s book titled “Making Healthy Choices – a Story to Inspire Fit, Weight-Wise Kids” is being offered in downloadable e-Book form under $2 for the very first time.

Throughout September, consumers may download the following deeply discounted health living-themed children’s e-Books to help spread awareness, and tactical solutions, to address this important kids’ health and wellness issue:

— Full Book – just $1.99

— Coloring & Activity e-Book Companion – just $0.99

Available for sale and download at

*** Use Promo Code: HEALTHYKIDS50 ***

“With both a Boys’ and Girls’ edition available, these resources are for ALL Kids to motivate good choices every day to promote health and wellness,” said Merilee Kern, MBA, author of the title. “In this ground-breaking book, important health themes ‘served up’ in an easy-to-read style intended to help overweight kids get on a healthy track, as well as motivate those within a healthy weight range to not only continue making wise lifestyle choices, but also better understand and empathize with peers currently struggling with a weight problem—and prevent bullying.”

The paperback versions of the book remain available on Amazon as follows:

Girls’ Edition: – Boys’ Edition:

***** ABOUT THE STORY *****

This award-winning, ground-breaking fictional children’s book depicts the life of an average overweight American kid as he/she encounters the emotional and physical challenges associated with an adolescent overweight condition.

This books uniqueness, however, lies with its mission to not only help children recognize the overwhelming amount of cultural influences that adversely impact their ability to make good lifestyle choices, but also lessen the emotional burden of self-blame carried by those who have internalized sole responsibility for having become overweight or obese. Releasing this burden enables these kids to re-focus their emotional and physical energy on making positive, healthful changes in their life.

In the end, this is a book of hope that spotlights a representative overweight child who, by better understanding society’s many pressures and influences as well as the importance of living healthfully, achieved his/her goal of living a happier, more fulfilling life.

***** TESTIMONIALS *****

This Book Was Featured On Oprah & Friends:

“It’s a thrilling book…a great way to inspire a child and educate the child at a very early age…love it!”

– Bob Greene, on Oprah & Friends

XM Satellite Radio Program

“I’m thrilled to talk about your new book – I think it’s a really innovative way to reach kids…this book I think is a great way to do that.”

– Bob Greene, Oprah & Friends on XM Radio

“This [book] is a very good idea…the best thing I think you can do for your kids…”

– Sally Jessy Raphael

“[This book] is easily relatable and is a good tool for parents to help their children learn about the benefits of healthy habits.”

– The Alliance Review

“I was a fat kid, who grew to a fat teen, who maintained a chubby adult. I just wanted to say that you’re book is looooong overdue, and I would like to thank you for writing such a book for young boys and girls. I wish I had this book growing up – millions say things like that every day, but, for me it’s the truth… It made me cry to think how easy it could’ve been to change myself had I the education, or even more simply – this book. I’ll thank you for the kids you’re helping with these books: THANK YOU!”

– Anthony M.

“We know how important it is for young children to learn to make the right decisions about food and exercise. Your books are a very valuable resource that a parent or teacher can share with a child.”

– Lucille Santarelli, Scholastic Book Clubs

“It’s is about time that someone wrote a book for kids about obesity in a positive format. I am ordering a few today. I plan to work with a local pediatrician in solo practice to help his obese patients, and this is the ticket.”

– Karen White RN, WCMT

“This story’s realistic and empathetic portrayal of a child struggling with weight issues, which is depicted in a non-combative tone and style sure to resonate with adolescents, will go a long way in motivating our nation’s youth, and their parents, to make positive lifestyle changes.”

– Susan Burke, MS, RD, LD/N, CDE, Chief Dietitian

“This book is a must read for parents who want to empower their child by understanding the negative societal influences they are up against each day, and exactly how to make decisive changes to get them on track toward a lifetime of health and wellness.”

– Julia Griggs Havey, Motivational Speaker, Author of Awaken the Diet Within, LifeChanger, and The Vice Busting Diet

“Every overweight child in America would benefit by reading this inspirational book of hope, which depicts a representative overweight child who achieved his goal of living a healthier, happier life by first understanding why the problem exists and, in turn, making decisive changes.”

– Kelli Calabrese, MS, 2004 Personal Trainer of the Year, Author of Feminine, Firm & Fit, Editor Personal Fitness Professional Magazine and Wellness and Fitness Entrepreneur Magazine

“Simple and to the point, this book provides the framework for opening up lines of communication between parents and their overweight children. It does a wonderful job of portraying an average overweight adolescent as he encounters – and ultimately triumphs over – the overwhelming amount of commercial, organizational and social stimulus that, on both a conscious and subconscious level, adversely affect his lifestyle choices. A real value for the health conscious parent! ”

– Dr. John H. Sklare, Ed.D., Author of The Inner Diet

“I love this book! I think it’s a tool that will be very helpful for kids who need motivation and education to help them lose weight!”

– Bev Grey, President

Grandma’s Healthy Kids Club, Inc.

“What a wonderful job you have done, I truly appreciate the work you have put into the study and your book.”

– Barbara Goodman, Editorial Director

Canadian Health & Lifestyle Magazine

“Fitwize 4 Kids’ fundamental mission is to enhance our kids’ collective understanding of how to make wise lifestyle choices, and to instill the motivation and desire to get – and stay – on a healthy track throughout their lifetime. Ms. Kern’s new children’s book is a fantastic tool in working toward this end, and we’re extremely pleased to partner with her to champion the health of our nation’s youth.”

– Warren Gendel, Founder & President

Fitwize 4 Kids, Inc.

“…the books are wonderful!”

– Cindy Sanchez, Owner/Editor

“It’s great to have a book that illustrates the problems with weight gain – and then a simple solution to one of the components (activity).”

– Phil Black, Founder and President

FitDeck, Jr.

“I recently purchased the PDF of the coloring and activity book for children and really enjoyed it…”

– Sarah Kushner, MS, RD, LDN North Shore Pediatric Therapy, Inc.

“I read it and enjoyed it…Thank you for your important work.”

– Carol Mader Hale, Editor

Real News for Real Kids

Colorado Kids

“We’re brand-new, and we just wanted to let you know that we’re big fans of yours. We featured you[r book] on our blog recently”

– Maureen O’Connor, Publisher

The Alternative Consumer

About the Author

Merilee Kern, MBA is a former fitness champion twice over, wellness industry veteran, health advocate and author of the award-winning, illustrated fictional children’s book, “Making Healthy Choices – A Story to Inspire Fit, Weight-Wise Kids.” She is an internationally-regarded brand strategist and analyst who reports on cultural shifts and trends as well as noteworthy industry change makers, movers, shakers and innovators across all categories, both B2C and B2B. This includes field experts and thought leaders, brands, products, services, destinations and events.  Merilee is Founder, Executive Editor and Producer of “The Luxe List” as well as Host of the  “Savvy Living” lifestyle TV show that airs in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Atlanta and other major markets on CBS, FOX and other top networks; as well as the “Savvy Ventures” business TV show that airs nationally on FOX Business TV and Bloomberg TV. Merilee also hosts the Savvy Ventures Podcast & Radio show available globally on W4CY Radio—the #1 ranked live streaming radio station—among others as well as all major podcast platforms, including Pandora, Audible, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Streamyard, iHeart Radio and dozens more.  As a prolific lifestyle, travel, dining and leisure industry voice of authority and tastemaker, Merilee keeps her finger on the pulse of the marketplace in search of new and innovative must-haves and exemplary experiences at all price points, from the affordable to the extreme. Her work reaches multi-millions worldwide via broadcast TV (her own shows and copious others on which she appears) as well as a myriad of print and online publications. Connect with her at and / Instagram  Twitter  / Facebook / LinkedIN 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates