September 7th National Beer Lover’s Day #NationalBeerLoversDay

The Mommies Reviews

I am so excited for David to come home this evening because he has been working so hard I can’t wait to let David know today which is September 7th is National Beer Lover’s Day #NationalBeerLoversDay. I bet you a dollar bill to a 10 dollar bill David is going to want to go get a #Beer and he deserves it and so much more.

As for me I will pass on the Beer but I will have Charlie join me in singing “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall,” because it’s National Beer Lovers to David and remind him how much we appreciate all of his hard work. Would you like to join David in a Beer or two because it’s time to break out German Steins, which David collects or we can go purchase a decorative pitchers or cool beer bottles to celebrate National Beer Lovers Day.

Did you know Beer and the process of brewing Beer goes back to ancient times in cultures the world over. The crafting of Beer carries rich traditions, often requiring years of training and experience in the trade while the methods, grains, and flavors continue to change and evolve over time.

Did you know becoming a brewmaster can take years of  fine-tuning the skills to make an exemplary Beer or even Ale. One sure requirement is a love of Beer and the craft. Today, fill your glass with an ice-cold, frothy Beer and savor every gulp!

National Beer Lovers Day is celebrated every year on the same day: September 7th which is nice and easy to remember, then you can focus on, Beer. Which is what any Beer lover would want to do isn’t it? Or at least I think so.

National Beer Lovers Day Activities

  1. If you have the opportunity today drive to your Beer-selling grocery store and pick up a 12-pack of Beer then invite your friends and family members over for snacks and to share Brewskies and good times!
  2. If you’ve never been on a bar crawl, then on National Beer Lovers Day is a perfect time to check out a Bar crawl or two. If your not sure how to get started just pick out your favorite watering holes, and drink a Beer in each.
  3. If you visit a Bar a lot you might be a “regular” where everybody knows your name or you might encounter a brand new bar, decorated with Ferns and full of lots of attractive strangers. You never know, and after a few Beers, you won’t care.
  4. Take the opportunity today and go online and search for a brewery near you. Do you like craft beer, Ale or Lagers? Are you passionate about foreign exports or home-grown Beer? You’ll learn about hops and grains and you’ll get to sample different kinds of Beer.

Why People Love National Beer Lovers Day

  1. According to researchers, the taste of Beer releases a chemical in the brain which makes people want to drink more. Beer’s taste without even any effect from alcohol can trigger the production of dopamine in the brain, according to a study by researchers from Indiana University. But aside from all that egghead talk, Beer is simply delicious!
  2. Beer, like any alcoholic beverage, reduces your inhibitions. Sitting in a pub or a romantically-lit restaurant or bar can turn regular folks into seductive strangers.
  3. Beer is not just a drink it’s the alcoholic equivalent of a pat on the back for a job well done. A Beer is like a gold medal reward you give to yourself at the end of a very tough day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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