I love celebrating Holidays that allow me to pamper my family and with September 7th being World Beard Day #WorldBeardDay I can celebrate David and the beard he has. I was thinking of purchasing a Beard Kit for David and taking David to a Barber Shop to have his #beard trimmed. Would you like to go with us to the Barber Shop because even if you don’t have a beard you can help me support David.

On September 7th we celebrate the ultimate symbol of ruggedness on World Beard Day. Times are changing, but the beard has been more than just a fashion statement. The beard has been considered a sign of manliness since prehistoric times.
The beard represents virtues such including strength, wisdom, and even social status in some cultures. There is something about a beard that demands admiration and respect thus, beards deserves a day of celebration.
World Beard Day Activities
- If you are a man and have never grown your facial hair out, now is the time and it’s alright if you haven’t been successful before, just look up tips online and find a shape that will suit you best.
- If you know someone who takes pride in their beard, give them a beard grooming kit which is a essential gift.
- If you are tired of your regular-looking beard try a new style and to get a idea of what you want look up images on Pinterest and amp up your beard at home or have your beard groomed by a professional.
Intriguing Facts About Beards
- Did you know doctors in the Victorian era would prescribe beards to prevent illness? I didn’t know that and neither did Charlie or David.
- Research by Behavioral Ecology found that beards influence people’s perception of an individual’s Social Status.
- Depending on how a leader perceived things, beards were either seen as armor or liability before battles.
- Swimmer Sean Conway kept a beard to prevent jellyfish from stinging his face.
- he world record for the longest beard is held by a Norwegian-American man named Hans Langseth, whose beard is over 17 feet long. Can you imagine having a beard that long? I can’t.
Why People Love World Beard Day
- Did you know there are days for curly-haired people, and those with freckles, etc., but I’ m excited to celebrate beards because my husband has a beard and if you love someone with a beard today is a day to not only celebrate beards but them as well.
- Beards have a lot of history to them as part of the human anatomy, beards have been shaped and styled differently throughout history and have countless stories to tell.
- Along with its great history, beards have been a reflection of societies and their perception of beauty and people love how beards were an indicator of a man’s virtues in history.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates