September 30 National Chewing Gum Day #ChewingGumDay

The Mommies Reviews

I wish my dad was here because September 30th is National Chewing Gum Day #ChewingGumDay. My dad didn’t chew much Gum when I was a child. But the last year or two of my dad’s life he chewed Gum non stop.

My dad always Chewed Double Bubble Gum in Original Flavor. Charlie, David and I like this a lot but we also like it in Grape and Sour Apple. How about you. What is your favorite brand and flavor of Chewing Gum and why? Charlie says Big Red for Charlie just like his favorite Soda. For me Hubba Bubba Strawberry while David says he doesn’t have a favorite flavor any Gum will do.

National Chewing Gum Day is celebrated on September 30th every year and you can bet your bottom dollar Charlie and I plan on marking this #Holiday down in our Calendar. You should do the same thing if you like Chewing Gum.

The gummy texture, the translucent bubble, the satisfying pop! These are just a few of the reasons why people all over the world love Chewing Gum. Whether you call Gum Bubble Gum, Chewing Gum, or Chicle, there’s nothing quite as fun as munching on a piece of Gum. Is there?

Despite its seemingly modern usage, Chewing Gum has been around much longer than you would think. Did you know the oldest piece of Chewing Gum was found in Kierikki, Finland and it was 5,000 years old! Found in 2007 by a British archaeology student, the piece of Gum was made of Bark Tar, which was believed to be antiseptic. Centuries-old teeth marks could be clearly seen on the piece.

In Ancient Greece, another form of Chewing Gum called Mastic Gum was chewed by the Greeks. Derived from the resin of the Mastic Tree, the Gum was also believed to have antiseptic qualities and was used in maintaining oral health.

Aztecs and Mayans chewed a substance called ‘Chicle,’ while Native Americans munched on the Sap from Spruce Trees. This goes to show that Chewing Gum has existed in various forms in civilizations dating back thousands of years.

However, Chewing Gum didn’t become truly commercialized until 1848, when John B. Curtis invented and sold Gum that he called Maine Pure Spruce Gum. In the 1860s, Chewing Gum hit another milestone thanks to John Colgan, who produced the first flavored Chewing Gum.

Today, unlike its early forms, Chewing Gum is made out of artificial ingredients, including Gum Base, flavoring, color, and sweeteners. Gum’s tantalizing variety of colors and flavors provides a harmless source of fun and, even better, has oral health benefits.

Sugar-free Gum is capable of reducing the risk of plaque and tooth decay as the act of chewing increases the flow of Saliva. Gum also strengthens the teeth and neutralizes bad breath. All this is great news for Gum lovers!


  1. Even if it’s been a while since you chomped on a piece of Gum, celebrate with the rest of us, get yourself a piece of Gum, and chew!
  2. Take the opportunity today to write a short post about the possible health benefits of Chewing Gum and share it on Social Media. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #NationalChewingGumDay so it reaches a larger audience. Remember this prompt can be used when #Homeschooling.
  3. Blow the biggest Gum bubble you can and dare your friends to break your record!

Facts About Chewing Gum

  1. Studies prove that Chewing Gum helps to reduce stress, increase alertness, and improve memory.
  2. Chewing Sugar-Free Gum has positive impacts on oral health.
  3. Did you know chewing Gum while cutting Onions can prevent your eyes from watering. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to try this and see if it works.
  4. If you ever get Gum stuck in your hair, try using Peanut Butter to get it out.
  5. Originally, the only available color for chewing Gum was pink! Isn’t that crazy?


  1. Chewing Gum is just pure fun!
  2. Chewing Gum has many positive benefits, including increasing alertness and improving memory.
  3. Chewing Gum is one of the few snacks you can enjoy while doing other things. Whether you’re on the road or bent over a desk, Gum can be enjoyed at all times.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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