September 3 U.S. Bowling League Day #USBowlingLeagueDay

The Mommies Reviews

I thought I would share another #Holiday with you which falls on September 3rd which is U.S. Bowling League Day #USBowlingLeagueDay. #Bowling would be another activity you could add to your children’s #homeschool lessons.

You could sign your children up for a Bowling Legue as part of there PE Class or you could start a Family League as a way to get children up and moving and off #electronics. With Charlie’s friends staying with me I may sign our family up for a league. Would you like to join with us?

People are geared up to bowl a perfect game on US Bowling League Day on September 3rd. Bowling is an ideal activity to enjoy any time of the year. Heading to the bowling alley with friends or family never gets old or dull. Did you know that bowling originally featured nine-pins?

In the 1830s and 1840s, a ban was placed on bowling by officials based in Connecticut because excessive gambling was linked with bowling, posing a threat to public welfare. At the time, bowling featured nine pins, which is what was specifically outlawed. Players found a way around this by adding an extra pin, making the game 10-pin. The next evolution of bowling happened when the automatic pinsetter revolutionized bowling in the 1950s.

On US Bowling League Day, leagues and sportsmanship are celebrated. In a bowling league, teams face off during a Season. There are three games in each match, with teams facing each other either once a week, or once every other week. The standard number of players is four, but it is also common to have three or five players in a team. The leagues are not limited to any one gender.

Scoring depends on the league; points may be awarded for every game won, or to the team who bowls over more pins than other teams by the end of the week. A player’s average is based on their bowling, which is pooled in the team’s average score. Teams with higher averages bowl against those with lower averages. Winning teams are often given cash prizes or other incentives.

Facts About Bowling

  1. Did you know more than 67 million people in the United States bowl every year.
  2. More than 1.2 million people compete in certified league play sponsored by the United States Bowling Congress.
  3. Bowling balls can have as many as 12 holes. I don’t know that. Did you?
  4. Bowling was the most popular sport among Kings and soldiers in the Middle Ages.
  5. Creating the perfect shape that will remain balanced and have perfectly spaced holes is a special technique. I bet you it would be hard to create a bowling ball. Don’t you think so?

Why People Love US Bowling League Day

  1. There is nothing like some friendly competition to really spice up a monotonous routine. Bowling is fun, but the stakes are high all the same.
  2. Bowling is inclusive to all and anyone can bowl and everyone has their unique bowling style. Bowling is a game for all and we love bowling. Don’t we?
  3. People love how a loophole in the law evolved the game from featuring nine pins to 10 pins. What a story.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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