September 18 National Cheeseburger Day #NationalCheeseburgerDay

The Mommies Reviews

Did you know September 18th was National Cheeseburger Day #NationalCheeseburgerDay? Before you ask if we had Cheeseburgers on this day no, we didn’t because I missed the #Holiday. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the Cheeseburger everyday which we are doing in our home.

Yesterday we went to Sickies Garage for lunch and I had a Cheeseburger to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day with. Then this morning Charlie asked me if we could have Cheeseburgers for dinner and I plan on picking up Hamburger Mea for Charlie to make Cheeseburgers with this evening. Charlie wanted me to ask if you would like a Cheeseburger or two or even three he said.

Americans should keep there heads up and have faith because National Cheeseburger Day falls on September 18th. That means there’s a free or discounted Cheeseburger waiting for you somewhere in this World we live in.

Prepare to enjoy an American food icon the Cheeseburger which is oozing warm Cheesy deliciousness on top of a moist, juicy Patty or two. Remember no matter how refined your palate might be, a good, old-fashioned Cheeseburger seems to satisfy everyone especially on September 18th

Did you know we have Lionel Sternberger to thank for his invention of gastronomic genius who certainly had the perfect name for the job. Anyway, Lionel was 16 years old in 1926, flipping Burgers inside his dad’s Sandwich shop, the “Rite Spot,” in Pasadena, California. 

But, here’s where things get interesting. Consistent with most how-it-got-started stories, there are two versions. In one, Lionel, out of curiosity, added a piece of American Cheese onto a Hamburger frying on the griddle. 

In version two, a homeless passerby saw Lionel working those Burgers and suggested adding Cheese. Either way, the rest is mouth-watering, delicious history. Which we should not only thank the Lord for but Lionel Sternberger.

Today it doesn’t matter if you grill your own Hamburgers today or caravan with your crew to everybody’s favorite hamburger joint, you should go hog-wild crazy eating as many Cheeseburgers as your tummy can hold.  Thanks, Lionel we wouldn’t be eating Cheeseburgers without you!

National Cheeseburger Day Activities

  1. If you have the opportunity today is the day you build the craziest, meltiest and most out-of-this-world Cheeseburger! Make sure you take your time selecting only the freshest ingredients. This applies whether your Cheeseburger is made from Lamb, Beef, Chicken, Pork, Turkey or Tofu. When you’re done barbecuing, flipping, grilling and frying, that Cheeseburger will be so. dang. good and just today you don’t have to share and if someone ask why tell them I said so.
  2. Cheeseburgers taste good when you’re alone but Cheeseburgers can taste so much better among friends. Nobody’s mad when they’re eating a Cheeseburger and even enemies become friends and friends just love you more for inviting them to have a Cheeseburger or two with you.
  3. If you wonder if Cheeseburgers can bring world peace I believe it could happen. What do you think and why?
  4. I have a question for you what’s your favorite Cheeseburger place? In-N-Out? Whataburger? Or maybe the old standbys, like McDonalds or Burger King Cheeseburgers are tailor-made just for you. The task on National Cheeseburger Day is to enjoy a finely-crafted Cheeseburger or double-double and feel oh so good and full for the rest of the day!

Why People Love National Cheeseburger Day

1. Cheeseburgers are quick and easy to make and consume and oh’ so tasty. 2. If you work at your desk like I do you could have a Cheeseburger for work and hold it in one hand and keep on working, 3. National Cheeseburger Day creates an excuse to be a glutton for just one day because there are so many different kinds of Cheeseburgers to choose from. 4. No, two Cheeseburgers have to be alike you can have one, two or three patties topped with your favorite Cheese like, American, Monterey Jack or Brie the sky’s the limit when choosing Cheese. 5. To make your Cheeseburger even more unique don’t forget the Bacon, Mushrooms or a fried Egg.

Did you know we all love Hamburgers and Americans eat an average of six hamburgers per day according to a report by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO.) If you throw Cheese on those Hamburgers and the figure is probably a whole lot higher!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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