Self Love Challenge Day 29 What does self-love means to you

The Mommies Reviews

Self Love Challenge Day 29. What does self-love means to you as I thought about Self Love and what it does mean to me. I knew that it was taking care of myself and that includes pampering myself.

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Making sure I take care of myself and that includes standing up for myself. I don’t have to give in to others and I will not because I deserve to be treated with respect.

Not only from myself but my friends, family and business colleagues. You deserve the same things as I do. I would like to ask you what does self love mean to you and why?

What does self-love means to you? Why?

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How about your children what does self love mean to them and why? If you have a significant other what does self love mean to them and why? Do they make sure and get self love or do they take care of everyone but themselves?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and Cates